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Business Plan: Shapewear

Essay Instructions:

The marketing plan to go off of is the shapewear....

This week is another split assignment where you will address your product or service through either a new product/service or a growth lens depending upon which is a better fit.

Once you have determined which approach is more appropriate for your product or service follow the detailed instructions below.

New Product or Service:

1. Identify where your product stands in the Exhibit 15.1 matrix on page 403.

2. Determine if your product/service choice makes you a pioneer or follower and discuss how your marketing effort is going to measure up against the "Determinants of Success for Pioneers and Followers".


1. Assess your product or service situation against the situations described in Exhibit 15.12 on page 429 of the textbook, choose a share growth strategy, and explain how you are going to pursue (implement) your chosen strategy..

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business Plan Name Institution Business Plan Introduction The Maiden form shapewear is tight fitting underwear used to control the figure of a woman. Multiple women all over the globe are not content with the shape of their bodies. That is one possibility that the business is going to sell. Also, the target audience of the product is women. On the other hand, men obsessed with their looks can even end up buying the shapewear. However, there are multiple companies like Spanx and Your Contour which are in the same line of business. As a result, the competition is fierce, but all in all, that is what the business entails. Product Stand In the exhibit 15.1 matrices, my product stands at 20%. As a result, the product I am promoting is likely to make me a follower in the marketing world. The Maiden form shapewear is not the first in the market, but it is the best shapewear around. This shapewear helps a person achieve the type of body that they want. The trending topic nowadays is on the shapewear. That is one of the reasons why the product is more likely to sell because most people would be willing to try them out. As expected, the disadvantages are also there. For one, people will stop buying the product after they have accomplished what they want. Many people especially women, would change the way their body looks if given a chance. That is why I felt the need to promote the Maiden form shapewear. I thought that I was addressing a topic that most people do not like. I know that shapewear has changed something in the lives of women. Although there are multiple suppliers, having the best product increases the value of the market. New shapewear is being brought into the market and sold at a lower price. As expected, they end up buying them without minding the quality since they are concerned with the amount. Most people would choose cheap products over the expensive ones. This makes it harder for the product to sell. Assessment of the Company’s share and growth strategies Product growth is a phase in the life cycle of a product that depicts the way the product moves from one stage to the next. The primary objective of the product is one of the first elements that determined the growth of the product. The centr...
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