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Communications in Negotiations and Bargaining

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: The Criticality of Communication

As explained in the required background readings, communication is a critical part of negotiation and bargaining. Using what you have learned about yourself in the personality test, and also doing a bit of peer-reviewed research of your own, answer the following in a 500- to 750-word summary:

What is the role of communications in negotiations and bargaining?

How can one’s communication style have positive and negative effects on the process? Be specific with your examples.

What steps can you take now to improve your professional communication at this point in your career? (Career is a project manager)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module 3 Discussion
Module 3 Discussion
The Role of Communications in Negotiations and Bargaining
Negotiations and bargaining involve two or more parties. Effective communication is always significant in these practices. It is the foundation for parties to understand their perspectives, reach a consensus, and address conflicts. With communication, parties can successfully exchange important information, articulate their interests, and work towards realizing equally useful solutions. It enhances the capacity for agreeing when the individuals clarify misunderstandings, share viewpoints, and build long-lasting connections (Baumann, 2017). Negotiators and bargainers must convey their priorities, concerns, and interests to allow their counterparts to comprehend their positions. The information exchange allows the individuals to get insights from others’ needs, forming a critical basis for positive dialogue. Also, communication comes with listening, whereby active listening is necessary for negotiation and bargaining processes for persons involved to understand their concerns or opinions and agree on the aspect discussed. Through active listening, the persons show empathy and the drive to take others’ perspectives. The approach generates significant rapport and creates a critical environment where all negotiating members' opinions are valued. Again, communication’s role is managing disputes or conflicts because negotiations and bargaining incorporate conflicting interests. Effective communication can allow open conversations where parties can discuss views and find common ground areas and equally valuable trade-offs. Overall, clear communication leads to mutual agreements.
How One’s Communication Style can have Positive and Negative Effects on the Process
A person’s communication style matters. Their style can positively or negatively affect the particular communication outcome (Abed et al., 2023). How people communicate can promote understanding and cooperation or limit constructive dialogues. Most importantly, clarity, active listening, and showing empathy characterize a positive communication style. For instance, when parties in a negotiation activity adopt the style, they form a conducive environment that allows open conversation and respect. The parties can listen keenly to their counterparts’ concerns and...
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