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Case Report Facebook

Essay Instructions:

Assessment of present value of your organization – what would it be worth in today’s market in its present state and might be worth if this strategy is successful. The course only touches on valuation, so you will be evaluated based on the logic of your information, not the valuation itself.

The organization is Facebook

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Case Report
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Case Report
Facebook is one of the most profitable companies of the twenty-first century. The company has managed to grow from a small tech-startup to a global tech company. Today, you will not find anyone who is not versed with the social media company. Even though some users have chosen to leave Facebook, it is still the world’s leading social media company. It has the highest number of users and an even higher potential number of users. This essay is an assessment of the present value of Facebook, including its worth in today’s market and what it might be worth in future.
As of August 2020, Facebook was valued at $720 billion (Trefis Team &Great Speculations, 2020). As of 2019, the company’s annual revenue stood at $70.7 billion (MarketWatch, 2020). The company’s value increased by $350 billion since 2016 (Trefis Team &Great Speculations, 2020). The increase represents four times the current market capital of Twitter, Snap, and Pinterest. The company’s stock has been on an upward trend and is currently at an average of $100 per share (MarketWatch, 2020). Facebook’s stock is one of the most stable and profitable. Millions of people around the world have invested in Facebook because of its ever-increasing market share and a knack for technology innovation.
Facebook’s worth would be less today if the company did not exploit its position as the world’s leading social media company. With the emergence of more user-friendly social media applications such as Instagram and WhatsApp, Facebook was bound to lose its market share. However, as seen in the last decade, the organization exploited its position and eliminated any potential competitors. By purchasing both WhatsApp and Instagram, Facebook became the largest social media conglomerate. Although the organizatio...
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