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Cable TV, Print Media & Support Media

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Cable TV, Print Media &Support Media
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Cable TV, Print Media & Support Media
(A) Cable Television
Cable television is a way of delivering television programs to customers by the use of Radiofrequency signals that are transmitted via coaxial cables or fiber optic cables. Cable TV in the USA began in the 1950s, and the main aim was to transmit the broadcast signals to the areas that were not able to receive the signals due to the challenges posed by local terrains like mountains and hills. Due to price deregulation and regulation between 1980 and 2000 by the state's local government, cable television grew considerably at the time. Broadcast network uses terrestrial network or any other electronic media outlets that form an agreement to broadcast their content from a single centralized place. Broadcast network broadcast their content generally to the consumers without charging them (Ciciora et al. 2004).
I watched Quest Means Business, which is hosted on CNN by Richard Quest. The program was all about the air travel business in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic. Airports are mostly populated with travelers, and social distancing is almost next to impossible in the industry. Before the pandemic, the air travel business aimed to maximize profits in the best ways possible. Many businesses have been affected by the Coronavirus, but the air travel business has been most affected. Air travel trying to convince the clients to return to air travel in the pandemic era is not yielding many fruits. The clients want to feel safe when traveling, and air travel does not give them the sense of security they require in the pandemic. Most of the airlines have managed to sanitize the seats and the whole of the airplane, but the sittings arrangements in the plane do not offer enough social distancing space. The following brands ran their commercials in between the show.
* Rolex
Rolex is a luxury brand of wristwatches. The brand runs an eye-catching advert that on the screen as the Quest Means Business program takes a commercial break. The adverts focus on affluent people in the society. Rolex targets customers that love good, luxurious, and quality brands that have been in existence for a long time. Cameron Barr(Rolex Founder and CEO) reminds the viewers that Rolex is designed in Italy. Some of the most sought-after designers in the world are found in Italy. The association of Italian designers and celebrities with the Rolex brand positions the product as a symbol of passion and excellence. Rolex has managed to make a waterproof oyster collection per the advert, which boasts prestige and elegance. The promotion strategy that Rolex has adopted in the advert is the social class that the brand associates itself with. Rolex is not promoted just as a mere product but as a way of life for wealthy individuals.
II. Qatar Airways
The airline, without a doubt, has some of the most creative and informative adverts on television. Since the program aired mostly targets business people, it’s worth noting that Qatar Airways, by advertising at the time, reaches the majority of the target audience. With the program focusing on air travel in the pandemic era, the advert gives the target audience the reassurance they need regarding their safety whenever they travel with the airline.
Most of the adverts aired on CNN are similar in the sense that they promote brands that are globally known and renowned. Many of them have subsidiary offices in ...
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