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WEEK 1. What area of business research are you interested

Essay Instructions:


Create one APA style Word document with a cover page to submit for the assignment that answers the following questions. References are NOT required. Limit each response to a maximum of 150 words; many responses may only require 100 words or less. Please include the questions so that the instructor can clearly identify your responses. Be sure to read each question carefully.

1. Topic: What area of business research are you interested in (1-3 sentences)?

My area of research that I

will be doing is the area of human resource management (HRM). It will focus on retention in the hospitality and tourism industry. The research will try to explain does work, life, balance (WLB) effects retention and what role (HRM) plays in it.

2. Variables: Related to your research topic, list 4 variables that might be measured. The 4 variables must include one from each of the following measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio variable. If you cannot find a variable for a scale, explain why it is difficult, given your topic of interest.

3. Hypotheses: Create both a null and an alternative hypothesis related to your topic of interest.

4. Research Approach: Describe whether experimental or correlational research would be better for your topic. What would be the costs/benefits of each approach?

5. Reliability/Validity: Related to your topic, describe the importance of reliability and validity. Explain whether it is possible to have one without the other, and why.

6. Sample/Population: What is the difference between a sample and a population? Why is the difference important in statistics?

7. Dispersion: Using the same data set (above), calculate the range, interquartile range, variance, and standard deviation. What do the results indicate about the "spread" of the data?

8. Descriptive Statistics: Why is it important to calculate the basic descriptive statistics before completing inferential statistical analyses?

9. Statistical Significance: Considering the hypotheses created in question 5, if the results of a statistical test on them returned a statistically significant result, what would that mean from both a practical and a statistical viewpoint? (Hint: be sure to include "null hypothesis" and "effect size" in your response).

10. Type I & Type II error: Considering your response to question 10, what are the implications of making a Type I error? Type II error?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
WEEK 1 Name Institution Date
  1. Topic: What area of business research are you interested in (1-3 sentences)? My area of research that I will be doing is the area of human resource management (HRM). It will focus on retention in the hospitality and tourism industry. The research will try to explain does work, life, balance (WLB) effects retention and what role (HRM) plays in it. 2. Variables: Related to your research topic, list 4 variables that might be measured. The 4 variables must include one from each of the following measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio variable. If you cannot find a variable for a scale, explain why it is difficult, given your topic of interest. • Nominal (gender)• Ordinal (job satisfaction rating)• Interval (age increase by 5 year intervals when comparing one person to another) • Ratio variable (income levels and one can earn $ 0 and above) 3. Hypotheses: Create both a null and an alternative hypothesis related to your topic of interest. • Null hypothesis: Work-life balance (WLB) and human resource management (HRM) have no significant impact on retention in the hospitality and tourism industry.• Alternative hypothesis: Work-life balance (WLB) and human resource management (HRM) have significant impact on retention in the hospitality and the tourism industry.
4. Research Approach: Describe whether experimental or correlational research would be better for your topic. What would be the costs/benefits of each approach? I would choose the correlational research, which reveals whether a relationship exists but it may provide a conclusive reason why there is a relationship. The approach allows researchers to gather much more information than experiments, and the results of correlational research tend to be more applicable to daily life. When researchers begin to inquire about the relationship between WLB) and retention in different industries the correlational research is a good starting point.  The costs of the approach are included in interviews, surveys or questionnaires and reaching out to many employees for recruitments and the cost to facilitate the study. The challenge will help determine if it can be inferred whether is a relationship,  until further investigation is done, but correlation is not causality cannot be determined and there is no complete explanation of cause and effect.5. Reliability/Validity: Related to your topic, describe the importance of reliability and validity. Explain whether it is possible to have one without the other, and why. Reliability is accuracy and consistency of information in a study or investigation while validity is the soundness and usefulness of the study evidence, which supports the inferences. While it is possible to have one without the other, this weakens the strength of the research since the findings may be biased, inaccurate and misint...
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