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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
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The Business Pitch Business & Marketing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

You have done all of the analyses to better understand the environment of your industry. You have developed your thoughts into a feasible idea. Now it is time to share with the world. Explain your business idea, why you think it will work and how it has changed since week 1.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Plan
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Sunrise Beverages is determined to become a daily necessity for local and international customers, and a place where people can come and enjoy time together while having their favorite snack foods and beverages. In the first week, we did not have any physical location, but now things have been changed to an extent (Bonomo & Pasternak, 2005). Today, Sunrise Beverages is proudly selling its products in both local and international markets, as well as has established some food stores in different parts of the United States, which is indeed a big achievement for the company.
Besides the currently available energy drinks, the company aims to bring forth natural fruit extracts that will be free from chemicals, preservatives or artificial colors. Our target markets are where people constantly look for healthy and fresh fruit extracts, snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages. In the...
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