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Age Discrimination In Employment: How To Avoid Getting Pushed Out

Essay Instructions:

In The News: Teachers Instructions: Each student must find one newspaper or magazine article on current events relevant to a topic covered in the course. The article and a one paragraph summary and a clear statement of how it applies to HRM should be submitted in the class discussion board prior to the beginning of class on each student's assigned presentation day. The topic that I have chosen is Age Discrimination in Employment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Age Discrimination in Employment
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The article identified is entitled “Age Discrimination and Women in The Workplace: How to Avoid Getting Pushed Out” by Bonnie Marcus published on Forbes website CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 (Marcus, 2018). The article is inspired by a woman named Meredith, who, despite her hard work and immense contribution to the success of the company for over two decades; she was disrespected, branded obsolete, and ultimately stripped off her position due to her age. Marcus opines that unlike men whose aging at workplaces renders them like gold or fine wine augmented in value, women face a hostile environment at work places as they become of age and are often wrongfully dismissed from their jobs CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 (Marcus, 2018). The author explicates that age-construed assumptions create the perception middle aged workers or older employees and especially women, do not have the fortitude, are technically incapacitated, and slow down operations and processes in the work place compared to young tech-savvy and ‘energetic’ workforce. However, the author demystifies this as mere stereotypes and assures that the opposite is always true explaining that companies are to be blamed for failing to invest in the older workforce. In backing up her argument, Marcus refers to a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, which suggested that age discrimination laws do not fully protect women as much as they do to men CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 (Marcus, 2018). The author exclaim that despite age discrimination being considered illegal, women like Meredith continue to suffer from similar issues due to the challenge of proving age as a factor in many discrimination cases. In fact, she confirms that the judicial system has mad...
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