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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Implementation of Remote Working Technologies Due to Covid-19

Essay Instructions:

The presentation should focus on two current business news (preferably news in the past 6 months). The 2 news can be retrieved from Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Bloomberg, or other business news outlets. The presentation should include adequate information in the format of main points of who, when, where, what, how, and why. Students also need to discuss how the business events presented are related to the business management. The presentation should be 3-5 minutes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business News Presentations
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Business News Presentations
Arianne Cohen’s “Seven Major Managerial Pain Points and Solutions for Solving Them” portrays how business management has encountered various challenges since coronavirus was declared a pandemic early this year. Many firms have been struggling to manage their workers because some regulations require employees to work remotely. Although these companies have the right technologies in place, they had never used these devices and software, particularly where employees are working from home. During the COVID-19 pandemic, remote business management is what makes firms to continue operating and get work done appropriately. One of the primary challenges that firm owners and top management leaders are facing is strategizing (Cohen, 2020). Indeed, making strategic decisions requires employees and leaders to come together to determine what is working out and what should be the main focus of the firm in the future. However, Zoom calls have not made it easy since workers’ face-to-face interactions and team building activities are hindered.
Businesses have learned the hard way to use the technology to facilitate daily operations during this time the entire world is fighting against coronavirus. Were it not for Zoom and other applications that enhance remote working and communication, some firms would have shut their operations leading to losses. The other challenge encountered by companies during this tough time is the lack of remote technology for clients (Cohen, 2020). Even though leaders and employees are communicating via Zoom and other applications, customers are not involved. As such, it means that some decisions made by firms do not involve clients’ contributions due to minimal physical interactions. Moreover, the emotional connection among employees has been difficult since co-workers communicate professionally but not at a personal level. Consequently, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for businesses since it has interrupted how people socialize and the processes of decision making.<...
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