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The Importance of a Business Creating a Car Speed Limiter

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Convert this speech to a 2-page report which summarizes the key points with a 11-sized font double spaced. Essay format (not bullet point) summarizing each part of the topic .

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Speech and Presentation to Essay
This business idea is to create a car speed limiter that will ensure that a car is limited to the traffic regulations' speed limits. Integrating this device into a car means should the driver choose to go slower, the car will respond to their input. However, unless the person tries to drive faster than the speed limit, the device will govern the car's speed limit as per traffic regulation. This device will be the first in the market to track the car's position, its speed while on the road and make adjustments to its speed according to the traffic laws. This device's uniqueness comes from the data fed into it about all speed limits on all roads in our country so that drivers do not violate them. This product will monitor the car's speed at all times by engaging the brake system and bringing the vehicle to the recommended speed. Without surpassing the speed limit, the driver can choose to drive slower than the speed limit.
The motivation behind the creation of this device is the rampant traffic accidents where 37,133 people lost their lives. According to NHTSA (2019), in 2017, there were 52,274 drivers involved in 34,247 fatal crashes, which left many people permanently disabled. Therefore, regulating these accidents calls for the creation of a device that stops drivers from over speeding. My inspiration is to reduce the number of preventable accidents on the road using an automatic speed limiter to ensure road safety. The same way small adjustments such as seat belts in cars have contributed to road safety, this device will go a step further to save many lives.
The major problem to resolve using this business is increased traffic accidents due to speeding vehicles. This product's value will be to minimize preventable road accidents, particularly those by speeding drivers. The...
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