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Strategy and Change Management Plan: TOWS Matrix of American Apparel

Essay Instructions:

The final project for this course is the creation of a strategy and change management plan. This course provides a broad survey of topics that together contribute to an overall business acumen that managers need to possess in order to be successful in today’s business environment. Organizations are looking for managers with a broad base of understanding that includes accounting, business environment analysis, employee motivation, sustainability, and how all these factors blend together with the organization’s values to influence its strategic direction and the means in which it chooses to pursue it goals.

In your final project, you will choose one of the provided case studies and assume the role of a consultant hired by the executive management of the company described in your chosen case study to construct a high-level strategy for success based on the various economic, competitive, and management challenges faced by the company.

OL 501 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a strategy and change management plan. This course provides a broad survey of topics that together contribute to an overall business acumen that managers need to possess in order to be successful in today’s business environment. Organizations are looking for managers with a broad base of understanding that includes accounting, business environment analysis, employee motivation, sustainability, and how all these factors blend together with the organization’s values to influence its strategic direction and the means in which it chooses to pursue it goals. In your final project, you will choose one of the provided case studies and assume the role of a consultant hired by the executive management of the company described in your chosen case study to construct a high-level strategy for success based on the various economic, competitive, and management challenges faced by the company. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Four, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  Assess current performance of an organization through analysis of financial statements for informing a strategic plan  Analyze the internal and external environment of an organization for determining its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats  Develop a basic strategy to promote an organization’s goals based on the analysis of the internal and external environment  Determine appropriate key performance indicators for effectively measuring the success of a proposed strategy  Determine the impact of proposed strategic decisions across departments in an organization for identifying potential internal challenges Prompt Assume you are a consultant who is tasked with advising a company facing a strategic challenge. To determine the best approach, you will assess the organization’s current business situation and make recommendations on how the company should change its approach to doing business in order to maintain profitability and sustainability. You will choose one of the following cases from the HBR Coursepack for your analysis:  Long-Term Orientation in the Benedictine Monastery of Admont  American Apparel: Drowning in Debt? Your presentation must address the following prompt: Select a case study and construct a high-level strategy for success based on the various economic, competitive, and management challenges faced by the organization. To accomplish this task, you will describe the organization’s mission, vision, and values; perform a TOWS analysis on the organization; and recommend a strategy that uses the organization’s strengths to capitalize on available market opportunities, identifies its organizational weaknesses, and prescribes appropriate actions to address the threats that it faces. Additionally, you will identify metrics that will serve as key performance indicators to track the success of your recommended strategy, and develop a risk mitigation plan to minimize any adverse consequences. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: In this section, characterize the organization you have chosen for your final project. A. Identify the organization’s mission, vision, and values. B. Explain the challenge(s) facing the organization. Support with specifics from the case. II. Business Environment: Analyze the internal and external setting of your chosen organization. A. Perform a TOWS analysis to determine a strategic approach to threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths for your chosen organization. B. Based on the TOWS analysis, ascertain strategic areas for improvement in the organization’s approach to doing business. Support with specifics from the case. C. Prioritize the areas to address by how well they align with the organization mission and values. III. Financials: Examine the company’s financial statements to assess organizational health. A. Explain what the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement reveal about how the company is functioning. B. Calculate financial ratios and interpret what those say about the organization’s financial health. Support with specifics. C. Identify the potential problem areas in the company as reflected in the financials. IV. Strategy: What does the company need to do to change direction? A. Devise a basic strategy to move the organization in a new direction based on the environmental analysis. B. Identify the key players in implementing the strategy (marketing, operations, accounting, sales, HR, etc.) and describe how it affects them. C. Develop a basic (high-level) plan to improve organizational performance. 1. Define goals for profitability based on specifics from analyses. 2. Explain in detail how the goals are in alignment with the company mission, vision, and values. D. Describe in detail how this plan affects the organization’s departments (marketing, operations, HR functions, etc.). V. Key Performance Indicators: What does success look like? A. Determine the specific KPIs you will use to effectively measure the success of the strategy and explain how/why these KPIs align with the identified strategy and with the organization’s mission, vision, and values. B. Identify at least one KPI for each profitability goal identified previously. VI. Summary A. Explain why your basic strategy is the most appropriate for meeting the organization’s goals. Support with specific details from the case. B. Identify departmental risks associated with your strategy and develop a risk mitigation plan. C. Predict what other factors may affect your ability to implement the mitigation plan (costs, regulations, unions, etc.). Milestones Milestone One: Introduction and Analysis of Business Environment In Module Three, you will submit the Introduction and Analysis of Business Environment. You will characterize the organization you have chosen for your final project and analyze the internal and external setting of your chosen organization. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Analysis of Financial Situation In Module Four, you will submit your Analysis of Financial Situation. In this milestone, you will examine the company’s financial statements to assess organizational health. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Strategy and Key Performance Indicators In Module Seven, you will submit the Strategy and Key Performance Indicators. In this milestone, you will discuss what the company needs to do to change direction and what success will look like. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Final Submission: Strategy and Change Management Plan In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project prompt. It should reflect the incorporation of knowledge gained throughout the course and feedback from each of your milestone worksheets. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategy and Change Management Plan
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Strategy and Change Management Plan
Having a stable strategic path is a primary recipe for sustainability in a dynamic business environment. Business managers are encouraged to innovate and strategize to maintain their competitive advantage. American Apparel is one of the organizations that can attest to the value of a stable strategic environment in marking the entity’s sustainability. A consistent understanding of an organization’s operations comes with a strategic analysis of its key performance indicators. Additionally, a manager needs exploration of the internal and external factors that can affect organizational performance. That seems to have not happened at American Apparel following the nature of failure that it has faced since 2009. This paper explores the organizational strategy and changes management plan through the inputs of the American Apparel case. A detailed analysis of strategy and change management is vital to current business managers as it gives a detailed understanding of the organization's key performance indicators, financials, the external environmental factors, and the internal environmental factors and how all such prospects should steer an entity into prosperity.
The Case
American Apparel was a vertically integrated manufacturer, distributor, and retailer of branded basic fashion apparel and accessories for women, men, children, and babies. Their business focuses on capturing customers from all age groups. American Apparel has segmented its market to focus on high-end customers with their exotic products. The strategy worked exemplarily until a federal investigation in 2009 that uncovered employment fraud in the organization. The challenge has continued with the company unable to meet its production capacity with fewer employees and higher hiring costs following the 2008 recession. To salvage their position, American Apparel relied on its CEO, Dov Charney to oversee its reengineering. Charney managed to secure high-interest loans from different organizations to re-stabilize American Apparel, albeit temporarily. By 2014, every strategic approach explored by Charney and the American Apparel had failed as the company was operating in losses and still indulged in lawsuits and a bad public image accompanied by the firing of the CEO who was sued for sexual abuse. In 2014, American Apparel needed to pay $13.4 million in interest, rejuvenate its operations following a net loss of $106 million, and the lack of a CEO. American Apparel must act on a swift short-term strategic overturn to reinvent its position in the industry.
Business Environment
TOWS Matrix
American Apparel is faced with notable threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths in its prevalent operational environment. How the organization will match its external factors of threats and opportunities with the internal factors of strengths and weaknesses will be vital in its revival into the company it should become.
Threats: American Apparel faces three major threats in its operations. The first threat is pricing. With their strict adherence to premium pricing, the company has failed to appeal to more people, especially with a poor customer segmentation strategy. The second threat is competition. American Apparel operates in a highly competitive and dynamic industry. With stiff competition, an organization anchors its success on differentiation, something that is lacking from American Apparel. The last factor that threatens the organization is debts. The company has borrowed more than it can pay. American Apparel also collaborated with opportunistic lenders that rendered its operations into bigger debt obligations.
Opportunities: American Apparel still has a few opportunities to re-engineer its operations. The first opportunity is in marketing where it can employ a proper positioning strategy to attract more buyers. The use of social media will be cheap and ideal for its revival. The other opportunities that the organization bears are the use of newer technology for cheaper operations, and restructuring to cut costs.
Weaknesses: Poor advertising strategies, financial management, lack of leadership, operations in multiple regions, and disregard for changes in the external environment are some of the weaknesses that American Apparel is facing currently. The organization can revitalize these weaknesses if they create proper synchrony between their internal and external environmental factors.
Strengths: Even amidst the tribulations, American Apparel is still a respected company. Some other strengths that characterize the organization include a focus on its mission statement, a strong brand name, a vertical integration strategy, and a sound business model that can match contemporary needs. American Apparel is also an innovative company, something that it can still use to lure more investors and resuscitate its performances.
American Apparel seems to be aligned to its mission statement following the TOWS analysis above. “American Apparel is about vision, passion, intensity, brand-free, sustainable, fair wages, solar power, recycling, creativity, and the can-do spirit,” according to CEO Dov Charney” (Mehta, 2016, p. 1). The company is still focused to produce at reasonable costs. It also operates within a structure that is flexible and can match the needs of contemporary businesses. Through proper marketing strategies, customer segmentation, and resource utilization, American Apparel should regain its position.
The financial performance of American Apparel has been a matter of concern since 2009. In 2014,...
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