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Asahi Firm Report

Essay Instructions:

Firm name: Asahi

This is the firm report(group work), only need to do section C which highlighted in red the document named C.

The other document is the textbook.

Please let me know if you need other information.


Industry and firm report separate reports  the total not exceeding 3000 (three Thousand) words. The report will be completed and graded as teamwork. The industry aspect of the report consists of researching and analyzing an assigned industry Beer Industry. The firm aspect report consists of researching and analyzing an assigned firm in the industry. The report will be broadly evaluated on incisive analysis, the application of appropriate concepts and frameworks, and the logic of arguments (qualitative and quantitative). Exhibits are highly recommended to enhance the text.  Graphics, tables, and bullets will help to make points in the most concise way and to clarify issues discussed in the text. Exhibits should be germane to the analysis and arguments, and should be referenced as appropriate in the text.  Note, however, that the point of the information presented in the exhibits must be covered in the writing of the report.  Please make sure all appropriate materials are referenced, use a broad range of references, and provide current and complete references (title, source, date, etc.). 

Each team should have their reports analyzed for plagiarism issues at SafeAssign (through Blackboard). before submitting the report .


General Objective for the combined report covering industry Analysis and firm Analysis.

The main purpose of the projects is to develop your ability to analyze the current trends of an industry and based on these projections identify the future direction of the industry. In addition, it is expected that you will able to generate a strategic plan for the firm assigned to you and use the industry analysis ideas in your strategic plan. The plan should be clear, comprehensive, and forward-looking.  The plan should focus on specific strategic decisions (i.e., problems or opportunities) facing the company and conclude with a set of strategic recommendations.


  2. Identify and revise mission statement of the firm, if necessary. Establish Long Term Objectives, Generate alternative strategies, Choose courses of action and justify choices. You may use any other analytical tools, discussed in the classroom depending upon your needs for analysis. (Chapter 4 and chapter 6 minimum)


  • Clearly, this is a research report; sources should be cited appropriately (citations, appendices, graphs, charts, tables, etc. are not part of the 6000 word limit for the combined report).
  • The report must be well written with a unified and consistent style of writing and presentation. Even if you team divides the workload, it must come across as a one single unified document.
  • The appropriate use of graphs, charts, and tables is strongly encouraged.

Additional GUIDELINES: Presentation of the report

A specific evaluation form will be used to gauge your presentation (this eval form is posted on BB separately). Each team has a total of 15 minutes for the presentation. This presentation time is further broken down as 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A by the external managers.  Please make sure you wear business casuals at the minimum and everyone in the team participates in the presentation. The time does not have to be divided equally across all the students. PLEASE DO NOT read from NOTES, you must know your material and address to the managers who will evaluate your presentation. The Industry analysis and Firm analysis must be combined well in your presentation.

Group-level Projects: 

a) Industry analysis written report: Each team needs to turn in an analysis of the assigned industry (Beer Industry).

b) Firm analysis written report:  Each team needs to turn in an analysis of a firm (may be assigned to you by your instructor) in the assigned industry (Beer Industry). 

More details about the group-level projects will be available in the appropriate module.  One team member should submit group assignments for grading on the behalf of the entire group. 

Group formation:  A maximum of eight groups for each section and no more than five students per group (to be confirmed once the enrollment stabilizes).  You will work in the same group for all group projects.  The instructor will form groups based on random selection after Module 2.

Group Charter/Contract:  This contract will serve as a strategy for your collective learning experience.  It should outline group policies and procedures as well as a timeline for development of your team projects.  Everyone must participate in writing this contract.  You should recognize that this contract is a dynamic and changing document that may be revisited and updated throughout the process.  As part of the contract, be sure to quantify as suggested in the next paragraph.  For example, when should a team member get 70% of the team grade?  Identify behaviors that will connect 70% with the specific behaviors.  What behaviors will constitute a team member getting recommended to only get 50% of the team grade?

Words Characters Reading time

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Asahi Firm Report
Asahi firm report
The need to achieve targeted goals and have clear expectations of where the Asahi Beer firm wants to be in the foreseen future calls for the need to have an adequately formulated mission statement. A mission statement is a detailed description of its purpose and provides steps to achieve the firm's long term objectives (Rothaermel 2016). For example, in Asahi firm, the mission statements strive to satisfy customers" kando" with quality and integrity while contributing to the promotion of healthy living and enrichment of societies. However, the mission statement is missing a crucial component outlining the distinction of products offered and why potential customers should buy their products. A significant commercial mission statement should create a sense of identity for its employees and portray the leader's expression of their desire for the firm to prosper.
Effective strategies are necessary for Asahi to achieve its long term goals and objectives. Protecting stakeholder's welfare is vital for managers to implement desired strategies (Rothaermel 2016). Management strategies are crucial for facilitating corporate social responsibility to enhance the company's image and reputation. Participating in activities that benefit the society in which the company operates fosters social values in response to social expectations. The firm's compliance with regulations and ethical standards dictates a foundation that takes the initiative of sharing the kando with the community, the emotional experience of extreme satisfaction beyond one's experience. Other effective management strategies involve establishing an efficient internal control system to enhance the company's operations. Due to the continuously changing business environment, regular maintenance of the internal control system, such as the manuals and policies, is necessary.
Borrowing from Rothaemel (2016), risk management strategies protect the business and enhance employees' safety. A risk management promotion system that involves the risk evaluation committee whose mandate is to analyze risks and deliberate on decisions based on the reviews ...
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