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Blue Ocean Strategy and Business

Essay Instructions:

Read chapters 4-6 for next week.

•Write a 2 page paper (double spaced) based on CHAPTERS 1-6

•Address the potential value of Blue ocean strategy for designers. What elements might be good tools/methods for designers to use and why? What is the value of understanding this strategy and the overall message in this text? Compare/contrast to design thinking. This is a point of view paper - your opinion based on you area of design and your process.

you don't need to answer all the prompts- pick one or two to focus on.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Blue Ocean Strategy
Student’s Name
Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue ocean strategy is critical for designers who want to integrate a holistic approach as part of the business solution. This approach is useful when dealing with visual communication since it allows designers to communicate better. Blue ocean strategy can be applied in business units’ visualization strategy to showcase its strategy canvases to others (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). It is a simple process to communicate and share information, and it helps to transfer strategic best practices across the different business units.
As a designer, I believe blue ocean strategy is vital since it helps guide my work to ensure that it is differentiated rather than being similar to competitors. It is challenging to be differentiated if I focus on tracking competitors. Rather than beating the competition, the focus should be on creating value for customers so that the competition becomes irrelevant, opening up new options for the business (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). Blue ocean strategy is essential since it emphasizes the importance of creating value innovation. Value innovation arises when business aligns innovations with cost, rice, and utility positions. In this regard, as a designer, it is critical to pursue low cost and differentiation simultaneously.
Visual communication makes it easier to achieve business goals such as expanding the service or product line, increasing or establishing brand awareness, and reducing operational costs. A strategic profile with good potential involves three characteristics: compelling tagline, divergence, and focus (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005). A company requires these attributes; otherwise, it will be challenging to communicate, and the business will not be differentiated while also being limited due to a high-cost structure. As a designer, I have to create a com...
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