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Better Business Writing #2

Essay Instructions:

this should be evenly divide into 2 part: (mark it as"1.""2."in the paper):


2.chanpeter 7-8

use the article attached as a tool generate the following questions of each part:

what do you learn from article ? 

what is your understating of article?

what elements do you think is important?

how are u gonna use it effectively?


writing will be evaluated using the following criteria:

sentences:follows conventions of written english. sentences able to stand alone.

clarity:clear, scannable, organized with title, headings, and paragraphs.

substance: takes on challenging ideas, not superficial. 

evidence: presents sound evidence. cites sources. no patch writing or plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Better Business Writing
Chapter 5 reminds me of a quote from Thomas Edison , "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration". Through this article, it tells me that creativity is not just a "divine spark", rather it is a skill that can be practiced and perfected. Moreover, the section that talks about speed writing makes a lot of sense. I havedone a number of papers where I edited while I wrote the piece and I ended up not being able to write at all. Pre-writing or speed writing is important because it lets us to work on our creativity first before we get stuck with the technicalities of writing. This chapter also clarifies for me the difference of "writing" and "editing".
Chapter 6 tells me how my most favorite novels are made. It makes clear what I should be paying attention to when I begin to edit my work. The questions presented helps me assess my own writing so that I can communicate more effectively. Chapter 6 also shows me that just like in writing, editing is a n entire process and must not be rushed. Typographical and grammatical errors and adjustments in tone can all be made before the final draft, hence lending the work greater credibility.
I read somewhere that the human brain was hardwired to think in pictures. In this way, creating graphics and diagrams to reiterate one's point , as discussed in Chapter 7, makes sense. Moreover, in one science called quantum learning, it is said that people tend to remember diagrams and pictures more than words.
Chapter 8 is probably the most difficult to implement, of all the writing tips in the book. For one, the chapter talks about keeping the writing work simple, but suggests that the writer "show", not "tell" readers. For me however, this last chapter is very important because it separates the good writer from the great writer. I think that it is this step - the ability to use as few words but still be as descriptive as possible is the reason why great novels exist. When a writer knows what he or she wants to say, and finds the appropriate word to say his message, then the readers also understand the work the way he or she wants them to. This chapter also drives home the fact that there is no room for muddy writing in real writing.
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