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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32


Essay Instructions:

this should be evenly divide into 2 part: (mark it as"1.""2."in the paper):


2.chanpeter 11-12

use the article attached as a tool generate the following questions of each part:

what do you learn from article ? 

what is your understating of article?

what elements do you think is important?

how are u gonna use it effectively?


writing will be evaluated using the following criteria:

sentences:follows conventions of written english. sentences able to stand alone.

clarity:clear, scannable, organized with title, headings, and paragraphs.

substance: takes on challenging ideas, not superficial. 

evidence: presents sound evidence. cites sources. no patch writing or plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
1 Chapter 9-10
Chapters 9 and 10 have proven to be very effective in conveying their intended message: summaries are required to be simple and with minimal words. These two chapters remind the reader that brevity with substance is the key component of a good summary. I like this a lot because it resonates with the need to make summaries interesting to read. In order to achieve this, one has to ensure that the reader’s attention is captured for the brief moments during which they will be reading the summary. Additionally, the suggested use of the five W’s when summarizing points serve to ensure that substance is reflected in summaries using as few words as possible. This is extremely helpful, especially for beginners looking to understand and master the art of writing a brief and excellent summary. The title of chapter 10, "Waste no Words", fully captures the gist of these two chapters. A good summary does not waste words. It makes use of as few words as possible to convey the intended message.
2 Chapter 11-12
It is important to understand the core of what chapters 11 and 12 imply. This is because they remind us of the importance of chronology and simple language. In normal everyday conversations, people hardly use what the article refers to as ‘bizspeak terms’. This is because when people engage in conversations, they speak simply and plainly. A good summary or article must achieve the same goal. I find this helpful because when one writes, they do so for a large and diverse audience. This demands that the article be as simple as possible. This simplicity of language ensures readability. Secondly, the matter of chronology is just as important as that of simplicity in language. This is because chronology guarantees that the reader understands the flow of the article or summary. In essence this is ensures that the reader does not get lost, confused and bored re...
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