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Business & Marketing
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What I have Learned by Reading the Article

Essay Instructions:

this should be evenly divide into 2 part: (mark it as"1.""2."in the paper):


2.chanpeter 19-20

use the article attached as a tool generate the following questions of each part:

what do you learn from article ? 

what is your understating of article?

what elements do you think is important?

how are u gonna use it effectively?


writing will be evaluated using the following criteria:

sentences:follows conventions of written english. sentences able to stand alone.

clarity:clear, scannable, organized with title, headings, and paragraphs.

substance: takes on challenging ideas, not superficial. 

evidence: presents sound evidence. cites sources. no patch writing or plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chapter 17-18 and Chapter 19-20
Chapter 17-18
What I have learned by reading the article
I have learned that communication in the business environment requires one to maintain a professional tone as though you are talking to the recipient in person (Richards, 2015). I have also learned that referring to people by the official names makes the communication process formal and hence attains the intended purpose.
How I have understood the article
After analyzing the article in details, I have understood that use of sarcasm in professional messages derails the message sent and hinders the organization from achieving the expected outcomes (Richards, 2015). I have also understood that proper judgment and collegial tone is a prerequisite in composing messages. That is because it leads to better responses and keeps the organization out of trouble.
Important elements according to my opinion
In my views, the most important part in business communication is to adapt a tone that is appropriate to your relationship with the recipient (Richards, 2015). That is because proper tone catches the attention of the recipient and hence motivates him or her to cooperate by replying to the message accordingly.
How I can use it effectively
I can use the article effectively to change my communications habits. I have always been sarcastic while communicating to my colleagues but by reading the article I have realized that the habit might land me in trouble. I will, therefore, use the knowledge I have gained to change and use ...
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