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Chapter Appendix F and Summary

Essay Instructions:

this should be evenly divide into 2 part: (mark it as"1.""2."in the paper):

1.chanpter ap F


use the article attached as a tool generate the following questions of each part:

what do you learn from article ? 

what is your understating of article?

what elements do you think is important?

how are u gonna use it effectively?


writing will be evaluated using the following criteria:

sentences:follows conventions of written english. sentences able to stand alone.

clarity:clear, scannable, organized with title, headings, and paragraphs.

substance: takes on challenging ideas, not superficial. 

evidence: presents sound evidence. cites sources. no patch writing or plagiarism.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chapter Appendix F and Summary
What I have learned from the article
From the article, I have learned that English words have the same pronunciation, but with different meanings (McCarthy, 2014). For instance access and excess are pronounced the same but have different meanings, access implies entering while excess means amount being in surplus. By analyzing the article, I have also learned that some English words have different pronunciation but are mistakenly pronounced in the same way due to confusion.
My understanding of the article
As per my understanding of the article, the native language of the people has the influence on how they pronounce certain words. For instance, some individuals have a problem of pronouncing certain letters, for example, many people interchange the use of letters "r and l". A perfect example is in the case of pronouncing corroborated and collaborated where many seem not to recognize the difference (Johnson, 2014). I understand that Native English speakers have a different ways of pronouncing certain words when compared to those who speak English as their second language.
Important elements as per my views
As per my opinion, the most important part is how we write English words to pass the intended message. As long as we use the write English words in a written form then there is no problem. We cannot change how we pronounce English due to the influence...
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