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What Role Do You Believe A Leader Plays During An Organizational Change?

Essay Instructions:

Your reflection must be a minimum of two pages in length and address the following points:

What role do you believe a leader plays during an organizational change?

What skills and knowledge do you have that can help you lead others through change?

What are ways you can motivate employees through an organizational change? How would the culture of the organization play a role in your decision?

If you have experience with organizational change, please share it as part of your reflection. If you do not have experience with change, explain what you think you would do if given the opportunity.

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What role do you believe a leader plays during an organizational change?
Any organizational change is met with resistance and mumbling among the workers. Change means that people will be asked to move from their already comfortable zones to other unpredictable zones. It also means that people could be asked to work with others even if they are not used to being around them. It might further mean that some people will have to undergo further training or that the company will be recruiting other people. These things scare people and might even negatively impact their productivity.
As a leader, I would play the role of sponsor. What this means is that I would act as the change advocate and would try to get my colleagues and workmates on board with the idea of change. The second role a leader plays is being a role model. As a role model, one needs to be willing to go first. This means that a leader must demonstrate or behave in a way that shows consistency between what they say and what they do. A leader must also engage and get people involved. This may not necessarily mean get people to do something, but the idea or aspect of creating urgency or making people participate in the change amounts to engaging people. Last but not least is that a leader must also hold people accountable. Holding people accountable is something a leader must be prepared to do especially during a period of organizational change. A leader must make sure that people change and should be exacting.
What skills and knowledge do you have that can help you lead others through change?
First of all, I am assertive which would help me hold people accountable. An...
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