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Ethical Topic That Is Related To Business

Essay Instructions:

In this paper, my topic focuses on moral standards.

Therefore, I hope that ghost pen can quote some universal moral principles in universalism to write this paper.

Let me give you an example. For example, I saw a news that a high-speed rail passenger in China bought a standing ticket but took the seat of a passenger, and ignored the so-called "rules".

He personally believes that he is not wrong, but when we look at this matter with the general principles, in fact, it is not difficult to find that his behavior is wrong.

To some extent, he is playing a moral hole. He thinks that everyone has different moral standards. Even if he does so, it does not mean that he is immoral.

As for the example I mentioned above, I hope ghostwriter can give more examples like this "problem" to connect morality.

The teacher also asked for a connection between the bible and religion to talk about the relationship between morality and religion.

Of course, this article is mainly related to business ethics, so I hope to give some examples of business as an argument, because my class is business ethics, so business is crucial.

Thank you very much.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics of Morality in Business
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While most businesses require the right management and proper employee participation in order to remain vibrant in the highly competitive business world, firms ought to embrace some good business ethics. This will help such firms to highly produce their products, market them and overall perform well hence making the business to make good profits CITATION Gab08 \l 1033 (Flynn, 2008). Therefore, the success or failure of any business depends on the ability of the entire business personnel to follow the stipulated business ethics. Ethics is, therefore, a significant area of concern when determining the success or failure of a business. Ethics outlines what is right and wrong within a business setting and sets some moral values to the stakeholders CITATION Gab08 \l 1033 (Flynn, 2008). It forms the basis for success or failure of a business. An ethical climate constituted by the executives in any firms acts as a guide to the employees and thus they feel that ethics is part of their primary duties and work hard to do what is right. However, the top executives in the business should start by showing an example to the subordinate employees. Therefore business ethics entail the moral principles or guidelines that direct business behavior and show a clear understanding of business aspects such as product, place price and promotion as well as practices that promote marketing such as transparency, trustworthy, and the portrayal of such practices by the media and culture.
The efforts to create a conducive working condition while ensuring harmony and ethical values have been a major concern in many businesses. However, most businesses are faced with the challenge of identifying the kind of procedure or guideline to follow to implement some ethical concerns in their business in the fear of disappointing employees. One of the fundamental issues a manager of an organization may implement is justice within the organization. All employees should be treated equally irrespective of their positions in the business because each employee plays a pivotal role in the overall success of the business CITATION ACF09 \l 1033 (Fernando, 2009). Thus, the management should exercise justice to all its employees and create a good working environment by involving the subordinate employees in issues such as decision making. This boosts the attitude of such employees towards the management because it sets a good example to the junior employees. Therefore, such employees take the manager as a role model. Such a manager becomes influential in the business by setting moral standards and becomes an instigator of creating a healthy business environment and present a better performance in the business. They also create a good working environment with stakeholders.
Good business ethics are provided by good ethic management which motivates workers in the organization. Management involves bringing people together to achieve a common objective. This can be done by the effective and efficient use of the sources in the business. Technology, human resource, capital, and entrepreneurship are some of the main inputs in the business CITATION Pet16 \l 1033 (Davies, 2016). Therefore, organizations use the code of ethics to judge between right and wrong in the decisions made by employees in the process of executing their duties within an organization. Therefore, organizational ethics is the judgment or the way an organization should respond to the external and internal issues of its employees in the right way.
Organizational ethics is related to the culture of that particular organization, ethical climate, and its ethical values. Culture refers to the way of life of certain people and differentiates the behavior of one group of people from another CITATION TKa10 \l 1033 (Kavaliauskas, 2010). Therefore, organizational culture refers to the general behavior of people within that organization such as language, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Organizational culture is a critical area of concern in the business environment because it affects the way employees relate with each other, stakeholders as well as the clients. Culture and values play a big role in the ethical issues in an organization by making decisions regarding what is right or wrong CITATION TKa10 \l 1033 (Kavaliauskas, 2010). Some cultures, however, dictate on some perspectives which do not match with the business and end up hindering the success of the firm. For instance, some people believe that dressing in a particular way is unacceptable according to their beliefs. If an employee goes against the organizational standards while considering their culture, it may affect the business in different ways. A good example is the dressing in organizations. When employees are given freedom on certain aspects aligned with their interests, they tend to be motivated and lead the organizations into positive outcomes and perform better than when such considerations are not met CITATION Ale09 \l 1033 (Hill, 2009). Motivation is a psychological aspect that makes an individual, for instance, an employee to perform better and achieve a certain goal. Motivation gives an employee occupational pleasure, satisfaction and makes him or her contribute positively to the organizational tasks. Thus, motivation is an important ethical component which improves the performance of employees and makes them work with diligence, honesty, and integrity. This motivational culture plays a significant role in the employees’ attitude towards their work.
An organization with good performance always relies on the managerial talents of their executive members. Good leadership in an organization provides a conducive environment for workers to perform well and also contributes positively to motivating its stakeholders. A strong ethical climate within firms contributes to high quality by the management and institutional performance CITATION TKa10 \l 1033 (Kavaliauskas, 2010). Consequently, ethical leadership in an organization is instrumental since it improves the firm’s level and enhances a wide economic achievement. Organizations are supposed to show good and an ever increasing performance so that they can take control over their industries and acquire a competitive advantage. However, organizations can only achieve such high performance by motivating its employees. Employees feel motivated when they work in an organization which exercises justice to its employees CITATION Mic15 \l 1033 (Cafferky, 2015). They, therefore, do their best for the sake of organizational development and individual well-being. Also, an ethical environment creates trust and a good relationship between employees, management and stakeholders; therefore, making the firm to become stronger and stay longer hence the firm develops both economically and industrially.
Motivation is an important factor in the ethical considerations of employees since a motivated worker is likely to perform his or her duties in a more enthusiastic way than one who is not motivated. Motivation is a comprehensive constituent in achieving success and overall goals of an organization. This is because when employees are acquainted with the relevant skills, they will perform their duties more carefully and diligently parallel to the achievements of the executive members making the institution to shine more and place it in a better position above its competitors. Therefore, an ethical culture in an organization would facilitate stronger and more active ties. As a result, it is evident that motivation is an ethical and a vital component of leadership which each organization should highly focus on CITATION Pet16 \l 1033 (Davies, 2016). The executives in any organization should put more emphasis on this ethical component to make their employees give their best in terms of dedication and hard work to make the firm remain competitive over its competitors. Also, fair treatment of employees is another ethical concern. Most employees struggle for equal opportunities, better pay and equal distribution of resources within an organization. If these needs are tackled fairly, employees would be more motivated and work towards the organization’s objectives. It is, therefore, important to satisfy employees’ aspirations for a better organizational development.
According to research, more developed countries enjoy higher moral standards than less developed county because it is believed that most of the employees are highly educated and value the role of maintaining high moral standards in the organizational performance CITATION ACF09 \l 1033 (Fernando, 2009). Besides, transparency and accountability in developed nations are more advanced than in the less developed states. Also, transparency and a more developed ethical climate ...
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