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Product Promotion Through Mass And Targeted Media

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Product Promotion Through Mass And Targeted Media

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Product Promotion through Mass and Targeted Media
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Marketing of a new product may be one of the most interesting times in a company. Simply put, marketing involves bridging the gap between the customer and the product. Marketing helps the company to increase its reputation and make it widely known for its products. It is one of the strategies companies employ to increase their sales and expand on business. Effective marketing plan embraces the concept of the four P’s, that is, the product, promotion, price and place to create effective communication with the customer. Therefore, promotion incorporates all means of communication to the customer such as public relations and adverts. There are many channels of advertisements and so the marketer must conduct a thorough market research and be careful with the avenue they use for marketing their product due to competition as well as selecting the best promotion criteria depending on the target market.
According to Weinstein (2013), the first step in effective product promotion through mass and targeted media is being accurate when defining the market so that one has a specific understanding of the target market. For example, instead of targeting the new product to all women, one can target on the women with medium earning and those whose babies are under the age of five. This narrows the goals of promotion and makes the promotion of the new product more effective and a success. Similarly, instead of targeting all men, one can narrow down to men aged between 40 to 50 years. This is because they share many features in common. The more specific you target your market; the...
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