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Aspects in Healthcare Industry and Which Are Essential to Formulating Strategic Plan

Essay Instructions:

I've attached Professor main instructions and writing guidelines, also weekly discussions in class.
Professor Instructions (Use these an outline):
In 8-10 pages, you are to write a proposed plan to ensure success for your selected area. Please address the following in your area of interest and associated organization you selected (Area of interest/Industry - Leadership or Management in Pharmaceutical or Healthcare Industry):
- Provide a brief background on the area of interest and the business sector/industry you selected.
- A societal change that your plan will address and the challenges and opportunities anticipated due to the change.
- Describe the value of the scholar-practitioner approach in your proposed plan.
- Strategies to establish relationships to establish your plan utilizing the following:
(a) Proposed methods (based on research in the industry or sector);
(b) Identify stakeholders;
(c) Information dissemination;
(d) Any additional information you want to add regarding your plan.
- Barriers and/or resistance anticipated and your plan to overcome them.
- In the conclusion, write no more than 1 paragraph sharing how what you learned will be applicable to your final research project.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• The paper must have an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (including THESIS statement), INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs.
• The length of this paper should be between 8-10 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page and Appendices page)
• APA style formatting (7th edition), double spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font.
• Please submit in a word document and NOT pdf version.
• Please use HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS to organize your paper.
• Use at least 8-10 academic, library trade publications, scholarly or professional practitioner sources, and approximately 40 in-text CITATIONS needed (almost every couple of sentences need an in-text citation).
• You must cite and reference all texts used, including page numbers as applicable to avoid plagiarism.
• Please provide verifiable links/web address for each academic reference used.
• Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
• Feel free to use tables embedded in appendices (not included in the total 8 – 10 page count)
• Write your paper in an integrated fashion, weaving theory and application. In other words, do not merely respond to each bullet above as a checklist.
Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposed Strategic Plan
Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Executive Summary
The paper focuses on elaborating various aspects involved in the healthcare industry and which are essential to formulating a strategic plan. The paper starts by providing background information about the leadership in the healthcare industry. In this section, the importance of leaders is explained, including their effectiveness in a particular setting. The qualities that effectively enhance productive leadership are elaborated, thus giving a broader understanding of how and what leaders should do. The societal change that the plan will address is then identified and explained. The change that will be addressed is racial discrimination in healthcare settings. In this section, the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing this change are explained. The scholar-practitioner approach deemed necessary is also elaborated, whereby its importance to leadership is explained. The paper then explores the strategies to establish relationships, the plan's anticipated barriers, and possible solutions. Finally, the paper provides a strategic plan with seven steps that explain how social change could be embraced. The paper explores various aspects such as social change, strategies involved in the establishment of relationships, anticipated barriers, and the plan to overcome them. The analysis helps in formulating a strategic plan.
Proposed Strategic Plan
The paper focuses on addressing crucial elements in relation to the healthcare industry that will help formulate a strategic plan. The paper starts by providing background information about the leadership in the healthcare industry, followed by the societal change that will be addressed in the plan. This is then followed by analyzing the value of the scholar-practitioner approach, which is said to be effective in widening the understanding of the plan. The paper then explains various strategies to establishing relationships and the barriers anticipated in the plan, followed by the general plan. Various aspects have been elaborated in the paper, which serve as foundations for developing a strategic plan to initiate societal change.
My area of interest is leadership in the healthcare industry. Healthcare administrators function in fast-paced diligence where the goal line is to supply the most operative, secure, and high-quality care practicable. They must manage operational and medical teams while efficaciously controlling possessions to thrive. Healthcare leaders must incessantly modify and formulate remedies in industry acknowledged for changing directions, quickly advancing scientific and clinical enhancements, and increasing virtuous matters (Chatterjee et al., 2020, Strömgren et al., 2017). Operative leadership is important in describing a healthcare industry's philosophy and guaranteeing its competence to address complicated healthcare provision difficulties. In the healthcare industry, administrators might employ a variety of management elegances (Strömgren et al., 2017). These many managerial and leadership methods enable front-runners to connect and encourage those under their command in various ways.
The healthcare industry is fraught with complications. While working full-time in challenging and ever-changing work conditions, caregivers should give the most effective and high care attainable. Effective and ethical leadership is required to overcome these difficulties (Strömgren et al., 2017, Chatterjee et al., 2020). Healthcare executives, for example, play a critical role in introducing new technologies, maintaining compliance with laws and regulations, and enhancing efficiency and effectiveness (Chatterjee et al., 2020). In addition, healthcare executives define objectives and targets, oversee funds and expenditures, and liaise with medical personnel and heads of departments (Malila et al., 2017). These responsibilities necessitate a diverse set of abilities and essential leadership qualities. Effective management has been linked to higher patient contentment and lower rates of adverse health outcomes (Chatterjee et al., 2020). Furthermore, because competent executives better maintain and encourage their employees, they can have an unintended impact on patient survival rates and significantly impact other hospital quality metrics (Malila et al., 2017).
Societal Change
Social change does not occur due to a single activity or procedure. Instead, the term "social change" refers to the constant and continuous changes that remodel our interactions with one another (Kagan et al., 2019). One of the most critical aspects of social change takes time. Social changes have long-term and far-reaching consequences on civilization (Kagan et al., 2019). However, these changes may be minor and easily noticed on a personal level. The purpose of social change is usually to modify societal norms and conduct, even if it is not always an ongoing change operation with a defined direction (Seaton et al., 2018). In many instances, social transformation is a good influence in society with favorable outcomes.
The societal change the plan will address is race and ethnicity discrimination because it contributes to limiting other people from having equal access to medical facilities. Racism pervades every element of life, including healthcare (Yearby, 2018). Several kinds of research have found that persons of color have substantially bad health results and that medical care can aggravate underlying social issues that contribute to poor health among underprivileged populations (Seaton et al., 2018). Acknowledging the various forms of racial prejudice ingrained in healthcare institutions is the first step in addressing discriminatory practices (Yearby, 2018). Recognizing and comprehending how various forms of ethnic inequality influence patients, medical practitioners, and caregivers — and what adjustments may be made to make healthcare inclusive and fair — is a critical first step (Seaton et al., 2018).
Opportunities and Challenges
Ending racial discrimination in the community has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, by ending racial discrimination, all individuals will have equal access to medical facilities. Medical practitioners can efficiently work together to find solutions in enhancing the well-being of their patients (Yearby, 2018). At the same time, medical practitioners can easily interact with patients and get to know more details about their conditions. Racial discrimination in healthcare is a bridge that limits the capability of people to do good, and once it has been eliminated, effective service is anticipated (Yearby, 2018). Another opportunity that will result from this societal change is that society will be able to work together. To eliminate structural inequities in healthcare, medical experts, medical experts, and a varied group of community leaders and activists must work together on a fairly regular basis to promote long-term public policy changes (Yearby, 2018). The anticipated challenge is that the community might not work together to embrace societal change.
Value of Scholar-practitioner Approach
The phrase scholar-practitioner refers to a professional model based on theories and study, reinforced by experience, and driven by individual beliefs, political convictions, and ethical behavior. Therefore, incorporating the scholar-practitioner approach will play an imperative role in ensuring the plan is a success. This is because the approach is embedded with concepts of practice and leadership, which will effectively seek immediate solutions to local problems and induce a positive impact (Tyler & Lombardozzi, 2017). The scholar-practitioner approach is also crucial because it possesses the individual attributes and habits that aid in developing strong partnerships and, as a result, interpersonal and organizational networks. It helps professionals to share their knowledge and research outcomes, ensuring that their work reaches the most significant potential audience and, as a result, has a more significant impact.
The scholar-practitioner approach contributes to having a scholar-practitioner-leader. This will result in a well-informed and pragmatic approach to the society of practice's urgent concerns and prospects. The scholar-practitioner leader recognizes that solving issues or responding&nbs...
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