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Analysis about Chinese market. Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

do research about China and the Chinese market, then answer the following questions if you do business in China. For the detail about the Chinese market, use Skittles ice-cream as a potential product to sell in the Chinese market.

1. How stable is the political system? How significant is political risk?

2. How stable is the economy? Are currency controls being imposed?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chinese Market Analysis
Chinese Market Analysis
A business venture in a new market requires market analysis to examine its viability. In analyzing the market, several factors are considered to outline the weaknesses and challenges that a business is likely to face and also the strengths and gaps. These are necessary to determine the viability of the business and estimate the required input. This essay analyses the political stability, significance of the political risk, economic stability, and currency controls in the Chinese market for a Skittles ice-cream business.
Chinese political system is stable and favorable. China is among the countries that show a great example of political stability due to its large population of 1.4 billion people. This population means that it would be hard to maintain political stability, but china has beaten the odds (Zhusong, 2019). The one-party state, which has the Communist Party of China only, ensures no parties compete for attention, causing havoc. The party has invested heavily in national defense to ensure that the country is safe from any form of instability. This means that it is viable to establish the Skittles ice-cream business in China.
The political risk is almost insignificant. Unlike other countries, China has not experienced any form of an attempted coup or political unrest that might require a person's political risk insurance (Zhusong, 2019). However, it is safe to ensure a business because of political uncertainties that lie ahead. China has created a sound political environment that would accommodate Skittles ice-cream business without more measures to protect the business from uncertainties.
The Chinese economy is currently stable, and efforts show that stability might become stronger with time. The Chinese government has invested an intense effort to ensure that the economy is stable and becomes a base for inte...
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