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A Quantitative Approach to Understand the Consumer Preferences of individuals aged 20-40 to purchase clothing and to Expand the Market Competitiveness of PEACEBIRD brand(in China)

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A Quantitative Approach to Understand the Consumer Preferences Of Individuals Aged 20-40 to Purchase Clothing and to Expand the Market Competitiveness of Peacebird Brand(In China) 44-607258 DISSERTATION/CONSULTANCY PROJECT Student's Name English name Student ID Date Declaration I declare that this research is based on my efforts and that it complies with the Sheffield Hallam University and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology regulations for cheating and plagiarism. All attached relevant materials have not been uploaded elsewhere for other academic purposes. Student's name: Date: Acknowledgment Abstract The severe changes in the competitive landscape of the fashion industry, coupled with substantial shifts in consumer lifestyles, necessitate the reevaluation and restructuring of business models. The paper will analyze the impact of brand loyalty, product availability, and brand knowledge on the purchasing intentions of Chinese individuals aged 20-40 in the fashion industry. This segment is highly significant but needs to be thoroughly studied. To accomplish this, the research employed quantitative methods. Using regression and structural equation modeling, a survey with 200 respondents was conducted to examine the mediators and moderators among the intervening factors and the focus constructs. The research findings indicated that brand loyalty was the most influential element in determining buying intentions, with brand self-congruity acting as a mediator. The availability of a product can be categorized into three levels: extremely high, deficient, and moderate. Extremely high availability discourages sales, while deficient availability repels potential buyers. On the other hand, a moderate amount of availability creates an ideal situation that discourages purchases. The acquisition of customer knowledge played a crucial role in determining purchases, with intricate brand connections concealed inside the essential awareness of a brand having a more remarkable ability to explain consumer behavior. The latent content analysis revealed several intriguing aspects. Emotional integrity served as the core of customer engagement, while quality assurance, supported by exceptional products, resolved the issue of loyalty. However, it necessitated a continuous renewal of offerings. This distinctive theoretical contribution sheds light on how fashion firms should optimize these characteristics to enhance relevance among their key clients, namely the influential and fashion-forward young customers. Keywords: fashion industry; trends; brand loyalty; product availability; brand knowledge; mixed methods; young generations Table Of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc163029756 \h iAcknowledgment PAGEREF _Toc163029757 \h iiiAbstract PAGEREF _Toc163029758 \h iv1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc163029759 \h 12. Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc163029760 \h 33. Methodology PAGEREF _Toc163029761 \h 134. Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc163029762 \h 16Findings PAGEREF _Toc163029763 \h 17Analysis PAGEREF _Toc163029764 \h 20Discussion PAGEREF _Toc163029765 \h 215. Conclusions and Contributions PAGEREF _Toc163029766 \h 25Appendix 1 Consumer Preferences and PEACEBIRD Brand Questionnaire PAGEREF _Toc163029767 \h 28Appendix 2 Contingency Plan PAGEREF _Toc163029768 \h 32Appendix 3 Participants Invitation Letter PAGEREF _Toc163029769 \h 33Appendix 4 Participants Consent Form PAGEREF _Toc163029770 \h 34List of Figures PAGEREF _Toc163029771 \h 35List of Tables PAGEREF _Toc163029772 \h 36References PAGEREF _Toc163029773 \h 38 A Quantitative Approach to Understand the Consumer Preferences Of Individuals Aged 20-40 to Purchase Clothing and to Expand the Market Competitiveness of Peacebird Brand(In China) 1. Introduction The fashion industry is a crucial sector that plays a significant role in propelling the global economy. The industry is a vital driver of economic value for the worldwide economy. This sector operates in an intensely competitive market that international brands predominantly control. Despite the profound financial crises of the past decade, the fashion industry has achieved rapid growth and undergone significant alterations in recent times. Currently, fashion companies are functioning in a dynamic and competitive atmosphere characterized by abrupt fluctuations and growing ambiguity. The global women's fashion industry is one of the most lucrative industries, generating billions of dollars in revenue and significantly influencing society and the economy. To maintain a competitive edge and achieve high sales, fashion brands must be able to attract consumers' attention, successfully promote their products, and give exceptional product experiences. Brand loyalty is a crucial concept that characterizes the connection between customers, and it becomes vital for merchants to cultivate a substantial base of loyal customers. Athletic items are among the most accessible clothing products for developing consumer loyalty. In addition to brand loyalty, the accessibility of the store and the familiarity of the brand name also have a significant impact. Accessibility guarantees that the preference for a brand is transformed into purchasing that brand. Brand loyalty refers to the consumer's choice of a particular brand, where the same brand consistently comes to mind when seeking, shopping, and using other products and services. The availability of a product and its impact on inventory management and supply chain logistics greatly facilitate clients' purchasing of products with a simple click. Brand knowledge directly impacts buying behaviors by influencing customer perceptions and guiding the selection of brands. Furthermore, purchasing used clothing is crucial in advancing the worldwide movement towards reducing carbon emissions. Consumer purchasing behavior in the women's fashion industry is influenced by brand loyalty, store accessibility, and brand knowledge. However, accurately predicting buying decisions is challenging due to the industry's highly unpredictable and trend-driven nature despite extensive research into consumer preferences. This study seeks to investigate the impact of intentions articulated by consumers between the ages of 20 and 40 on their actual purchases of sustainable fashion items, explicitly focusing on the Peacebird brand, which is popular among young Chinese consumers. Consumers anticipate customized experiences specifically designed to cater to their preferences and requirements. The present commercial industry is exceedingly challenging due to the competitive pricing tactics utilized by discount retailers, the disruptive impact of online market rivals, and the increased transparency of costs for consumers. Traditional strategies for standing out in the retail sector, such as having a unique product selection or using creative pricing and promotions, are only viable if competitors can easily copy them. However, the distinction may still be achieved by implementing personalized strategies where shops curate distinctive experiences customized for each customer. Research Questions How do the intentions of consumers aged 20 to 40 align with their actual purchase behaviors in the context of sustainable fashion? What are the dynamics and trends associated with clothing reuse among consumers in this demographic? What are the key determinants motivating individuals aged 20 to 40 to invest in sustainable fashion products? 2. Literature Review Clothing interest relates to an individual's attitude, views, knowledge, attention, concern, and curiosity over clothing, both their own and that of others. The fashion industry has garnered interest and attention due to the continuous growth of the global fashion industry and companies. Extensive research has been conducted on consumer behavior and purchasing intention in the fashion business, yielding significant insights into the determinants of buying decisions. Cruz-Cárdenas et al. (2019) investigated consumer behavior regarding clothing reuse, explicitly examining how customers generate value for themselves and society by prolonging the lifespan of garments, thus promoting environmental sustainability. The researchers discovered that income, profession, generosity, and environment are all essential characteristics that substantially impact the reuse of garments. This literature review explores previous studies on brand loyalty, product availability, brand knowledge, and their relationships with purchase intentions in the fashion industry. 2.1 Brand Knowledge Consumer research findings have traditionally influenced managerial decision-making across several marketing domains. Marketers' growing emphasis on branding in recent years presents an opportunity for consumer researchers to offer substantial insights and suggestions. Brand knowledge encompasses brand awareness and the cognitive associations consumers form with a brand. The current consumer landscape is characterized by a movement from focusing on individual products to prioritizing brands when making decisions. This change represents a substantial transformation in consumer choice-making. As indicated by prior studies, consumer happiness and loyalty are fundamental principles in relationship marketing. Scientists have created multiple research frameworks to study the connection between consumers' perceptions of luxury goods' worth and the two related concepts. Araújo et al. (2023) suggest that a comprehensive comprehension of the brand enables customers to make decisions by providing identifiable cues that impact their perceptions of quality, value, and the extent to which the brand corresponds with their self-image. Amidst China's present dual-circulation paradigm, consumers have witnessed a shift in their product preferences, moving from being primarily influenced by price to being driven by brand recognition. Zong and He (2022) conducted a study indicating that brand communication has a predictive impact on consumer purchase intention. The brand should be considered as a comprehensive entity that encompasses multiple levels. It is important to analyze the brand's composition and the influence it has on consumers' overall purchase intention. In the fashion industry, consumers use their understanding of brands to assess not just the tangible features of a product but also the symbolic and experiential qualities that hold significance in this sector (Zhang, 2023). Previous studies have emphasized that brand knowledge is crucial in influencing purchase intention. Unlike brand communication, which is based on consumers' perception of the effectiveness of Peacebird's communication strategies, such as advertising, social media presence, and brand messaging, brand knowledge is exerted through several mechanisms, such as perceived quality, perceived risk, brand trust, and brand effect. It is worth mentioning that the impact of different aspects of brand knowledge (namely, awareness and associations) can vary (Zhu & Deng, 2020). Although awareness is essential for recognition, stronger brand connections significantly impact customer preferences and purchasing decisions. Consumers who have positive and strong connections with a fashion brand are more inclined to have the intention to buy compared to those who are simply aware of the brand. 2.2 Product Availability The availability of a product is a crucial determinant for consumers when making purchasing decisions. Modern customers no longer distinguish between physical and online channels. The study has four distinct objectives: firstly, to assess the impact of brand loyalty and product accessibility on consumer purchase intention; secondly, to employ qualitative research to elucidate the underlying reasons and patterns behind the numerical data, thus gaining a deeper understanding of consumers' psychological state and behavior. These objectives necessitate the use quantitative methods approach. This produces objective facts that may be easily expressed using statistics and numbers. Researchers do this in a systematic, scientific manner so that future researchers can repeat the findings. Quantitative data enhances the researcher’s understanding of the aspects supporting women's purchasing behavior toward fashion clothes. The research aims to provide clarity on the factors that influence purchase intention. This will help fashion brands like Peacebird to develop targeted marketing strategies and tailor customer value propositions. As the horizon expands, there is a strategic focus on allocating resources and targeting consumers, establishing a solid foundation for industrial success. 2.3 Brand Loyalty Loyalty is related to a steadfast commitment to an individual or entity. On the other hand, a brand represents a specific product produced by a particular company under a specific name. Brand loyalty describes a consumer's positive opinions and consistent purchase behavior towards a particular brand's products for an extended period. According to Shin et al. (2019), transactional marketing focuses on individual and short-term client transactions, while relationship marketing focuses on establishing and maintaining long-term successful customer relationships. Extensive studies have investigated the development of brand loyalty, focusing on the significant roles of brand trust, perceived quality, customer satisfaction, and emotional attachment between the consumer and the brand. Karami (2022) asserts that customer happiness is crucial to achieving corporate success. Establishing a long-term "relationship" between customers and a brand or firm is a topic of great interest in marketing research conducted by scholars and practitioners. They are being recognized as a crucial factor in ensuring ongoing corporate prosperity. Previous studies mainly aimed to investigate the influence of customer satisfaction on consumers' post-consumption evaluations, such as loyalty. Typically, content customers are more inclined to exhibit loyalty towards a product than dissatisfied clients. Customers loyal to a company provide a consistent and reliable source of income and are less susceptible to being influenced by the products or services offered by other companies (Rane et al., 2023). In the ever-evolving world of fashion, the importance of branding cannot be emphasized enough. In a fast-paced business characterized by frequent shifts in trends, fashion brands that achieve success comprehend the significance of establishing a robust brand identity. This is the primary means of distinguishing themselves from competitors, cultivating client loyalty, and attaining enduring prosperity. Yet, establishing enduring brand loyalty has distinctive obstacles in the dynamic and always-changing fashion sector, where trends and customer tastes swiftly fluctuate. Research in the fashion industry has shown that customers' self-concept and values associated with self-expression strongly influence their brand loyalty. People connect emotionally with brands that reflect their desired identities and preferences (Kytö et al., 2019). Kytö et al. reveal the characteristics that accurately predict customers' purchase behavior, reducing the gap between intentions and actions. Understanding these elements is essential for creating effective marketing strategies and increasing product success. Fashion customers' perceptions of a brand's authenticity and exclusivity can affect loyalty. Consumers connect with true, unique brands. Price schemes, unique designs, and peer pressure may still encourage strong brand loyalties, showing how fragile fashion is. 2.4 Theoretical Models 2.4.1 Segmentation and Targeting The fashion industry is adopting more environmentally friendly practices in response to its substantial impact on the environment and growing consumer awareness of sustainability. Peacebird employs demographic segmentation to classify consumers into distinct groups based on measurable attributes such as age, gender, marital status, family size, income, education, race, occupation, nationality, and religion. Peacebird can identify and target specific categories within the 20-40 age group, allowing them to customize their marketing campaigns to cater to the distinct needs and preferences of each segment. This segmentation helps fashion brands such as Peacebrand understand how consumers interact with and buy their brand. Peacebird analyzes consumer behavior data to identify patterns and preferences for targeted marketing and tailored experiences. Companies may change their promotional offers and messages based on customer purchases or marketing platform use. Psychographic segmentation studies client lifestyles, values, interests, and attitudes. Fashion firms like Peacebird need segmentation to create personalized marketing strategies that resonate with customers. By aligning brand language and values with target segment goals and beliefs, brands can build true connections. Successful fashion brands experiment with new marketing methods to attract customers. 2.4.2 Theoretical Analysis Figure 2.1 Theoretical Model When discussing behaviors like purchasing intention, the literature often relies on the theory of planned behavior to explain the connection between barriers. The TPB is a theoretical framework in social psychology that suggests that a person's attitudes towards a specific behavior, their subjective norms, and their perceived ability to control their behavior are the primary factors that determine their intentions and subsequent actions. Behavioral, normative, and authoritative beliefs influence human behavior, according to TPB (LaMorte, 2022). According to Bosnjak et al. (2020), normative beliefs refer to societal norms, control beliefs to the factors that could support or undermine the conduct, and behavioral beliefs to the anticipated results of an activity. One can develop a positive or negative attitude toward activity by combining behavioral ideas. Dangelico et al. (2022) examined the variables that influence consumers' propensity to buy eco-friendly apparel in their study, with a primary focus on their willingness to pay a premium for such goods. Using theories such as the Value-Belief-Norm Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Theory of Reasoned Action, Dangelico sought to address the lack of knowledge regarding the effects of various eco-materials utilized responsibly on consumers' purchase intentions and willingness to pay a premium price. It integrates influential works in these disciplines by scholars like Ajzen. It combines contemporary research on ecologically conscious purchasing behaviors, sustainable product development, and eco-friendly materials in the fashion business. The study discovered that environmental concern and perceived value strongly impacted the desire to acquire and the willingness to pay a premium price for sustainable fashion products, regardless of the precise eco-material utilized. The TRA, TPB, and Value-Belief-Norm Theory all revolve around the 'expectancy-value model of attitude.' According to the expectancy-value model of attitude, an individual's attitude is based on and influenced by their beliefs, which in turn shape their behavior. Beliefs differ based on the level of motivation and cognitive capacity to understand information that is relevant to attitudes, as well as the specific circumstances in which they are formed. Attitudes are influenced by beliefs and environmental circumstances, suggesting that both beliefs and contextual elements have an impact on attitudes. Furthermore, attitudes are valuable in predicting behavior. Studies have demonstrated that the impact of an individual's attitude on their behavior is influenced by the degree to which the attitude is shaped by personal experiences, the level of certainty associated with the attitude, and the clarity of the subject's attitude. Peacebird's approach to promoting brand loyalty extends beyond ensuring repeat sales. It involves cultivating a community of devoted customers who strongly resonate with the brand's values, aesthetics, and goal. The customer exerts control over the retail industry. Consumers have the power to quickly switch from one brand to another, giving them complete control in the retail industry. While competitive price and high-quality items are crucial in attracting clients, the ultimate factor that determines repeat business is the overall experience they receive. The Theory of Planned Behavior examines the factors that influence the intention and behavior of the Peacebrand in various contexts, providing insight into the decision-making process of corporations. TPB significantly influences how consumers make decisions about marketing initiatives. In this perspective, Peacebrand TBP, TRA, and Value-Belief-Norm Theory are quite important. The Peace brand can utilize these theories to identify environmental issues resulting from the clothes business, specifically the disposable nature of fast fashion.The brand can reduce barriers by using innovative circular business models that necessitate changes in consumer behaviors. The VBN theory facilitates comprehension of customers' attitudes towards sustainable consumption, wherein variables such as personal norms, attitudes, and subjective norms exert a favorable influence on buy intentions for ecologically sustainable fashion products. 2.4.3 Consumer Decision-Making Process These indicators, including brand loyalty, perceptions of product availability, and brand knowledge, impact consumer attitudes, perceptions of social norms, and perceived power over purchase choice. The Consumer Decision Model developed by Engel et al. examines the purchasing process step-by-step, including recognizing the need, searching for information, evaluating alternatives, purchasing, and engaging in post-purchase activities (Nicasio, 2019). Brand loyalty, availability considerations, and brand knowledge play a role in different phases of the consumer journey, affecting the process from the moment the consumer realizes a need to the final decision to make a purchase. Figure 2.2 Consumer Decision Model Purchasing Steps 2.5 Research Gaps Although previous research provides significant insights, The literature analysis highlights the substantial gap that must be addressed in the fashion industry. The study conducted by Kim et al. (2021) broadly examines the sensory qualities and nutritional information of scoop dairy products. It mainly focuses on food-related aspects rather than the fashion sector, which differs from my research background. The study on the unconscious determinants of consumer behavior needs to be revised. Furthermore, the results on the impact of product scarcity/availability are inconclusive, indicating the existence of factors that influence the outcome and require additional research, especially in the fashion industry. Cruz-Cárdenas et al. (2019) recognize that their study was constrained to the specific circumstances of Ecuador, a nation in the process of economic and social ...
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