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Essay abou ai and your dissertation regarding shortage of airline pilots

Essay Instructions:
Artificial Intelligence and Your Dissertation: Review the AI Lib Guide and draft a 250-500 word summary of the class expectations the information in that Guide sets between the class and instructor. In connection to those expectations, write about your plan to incorporateAI tools in your dissertation work. Be sure your assignment has the following minimum requirements: • 1 - 2 pages in length, not counting cover page, reference list page, appendices, figures, or tables. • Your assignment should be completed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with appropriate header, page numbers, one-inch margins, and meet all other requirements of APA Stylebook. • An abstract is not required. AI Lib Guide During the 2023-24 Academic Year, the University will engage the shared governance system to address in position and policy the student use of artificial intelligence (AI) when completing academic work. The plan is to charge the Student Academic Standard Committee (SASC) to review FP302 - Academic Honesty to include artificial intelligence technology such as ChatGPT, Bard, Talk to Books, and Formula Bot. Additionally, the Learning Quality Committee (LQC) will recommend to Academic Cabinet the University’s position on student use of artificial intelligence technology as a tool for engaging academic work. In the meantime, individual faculty should check with their college leadership team or program chair to determine the program’s position on the use of artificial intelligence technology to engage course work. Below is guidance on permitting and discouraging student use. The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) maintains this webpage about artificial intelligence. There are resources, ideas for classroom use, and a presentation of various detectors and their success rates. The CTLE team frequently updates this page as new resources and ideas emerge, so check back often. Additionally, the CTLE will be hosting workshops each month. Check the faculty newsletter or return here for upcoming workshops. Additionally, each of the colleges are offering trainings and workshops. See their respective newsletters and communication channels or reach out to your chair for more information. Usage Guidelines Artificial intelligence can be an effective tool to help students during the writing process. It can generate outlines, write an introduction paragraph, and write thesis statements. Additionally, it can be used as a brainstorming partner or to provide information about topics. That being said, students should use artificial intelligence technology to augment or support their engagement in academic work, not replace their efforts. As AI continues to evolve, it will become more and more difficult to spot when a student is using it. Further, students will increasingly be asked to responsibly use these tools in the workforce. Therefore, we are advocating an approach that adheres to the key highlights above. Some recommended next steps: • Explicitly state in the syllabus and D2L course site that the use of artificial intelligence is permitted to support or augment the assignments in the class. Even though artificial intelligence is permitted, be sure to inform students that submitting academic work entirely generated by artificial intelligence is unacceptable. • Spend class time modeling the appropriate and effective use of artificial intelligence. Additionally, dedicate class time to allowing the students to experiment with artificial intelligence and support and provide feedback to students in the moment. Investing time in modeling and supporting appropriate use will communicate your expectations about the ways in which students may use AI in your class. • Include APA citation for AI usage. POINT OF INTERES DISSERTATION WORK (JUST TO MENTION IT A COUPLE OF LINES) Hello Professor and Class: My topic of interest will be the future of air transportation and pilot’s work in the future. I’m 45 years old and my current life expectancy according to a Harvard review article is 73.2 years for men, So as a Commercial Pilot I will base all my research in the next 20 years because that’s the maximun age a professional pilot may flight and for flying for fun as a Private pilot 28 years more because there are pilots with more than age that still fly but that’s beyonf the life expectancy. Related to John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell I will start with the analysis of their worldviews relate to my topic of interest which is the Pragmatism then in detail that will be Consequences of actions, Problem-centered, Pluralistic, Real-world practice-oriented There’s a current shortage of pilots, the research will explain why this is happening, using hard data and soft data or subjective and objective data information will be gathered to then be used. Videos, recorded past interviews and in person interviews will be using to ground the research. References Robert H. Shmerling, M. (2022a, October 20). Why life expectancy in the US is falling. Harvard Health. https://www(dot)health(dot)harvard(dot)edu/blog/why-life-expectancy-in-the-us-is-falling-202210202835 Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design (5th ed.). SAGE Publications. THANKS
Essay Sample Content Preview:
AI Integration in the Dissertation Research Regarding Shortage Airline Pilots Student’s Name College/University Course Code and Name Professor’s Name Due Date In academic research, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has come to the forefront to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of scholarly activities. The university’s AI Lib guide, outlining the university’s efforts to deal with student’s use of AI in academic works, provides a model to incorporate these revolutionary tools responsibly and productively. Consequently, in line with these expectations, I envision using AI solutions in my dissertation on the airline pilot shortage. I aim to ensure that these systems support human effort rather than replace it. This paper will discuss how I will incorporate AI into my dissertation concerning the shortage of Airline pilots while following the AI Lib guidelines. The core of my dissertation is the research of the air transport perspective and the problems that pilots experience. I am a 45-year-old commercial pilot whose career span will be around 20 years. I want to see how the dynamics of the aviation industry will change within this period. Based on the reflections of Creswell and Creswell (2018), especially their practical worldview, my research will use a problem-centered, practice-oriented approach to assess the impacts of activities in the aviation sector. My dissertation focuses on the current pilot shortage. Such shortage may be attributable to the falling life expectancy across countries and races (Shmerling, 2022). I intend to use measurable and subjective data to resolve this complicated issue, combining a quantitative examination with a qualitative analysis. This will allow me to integrate the AI tools into my research methodology appr...
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