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Analyzing the case

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Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset Case Study Assignment 2 Part A: Analyzing Case Name Jack Welch Management Institute JWI 510: Leadership in the 21st Century Professors’ Name Date Introduction Satya Nadella’s transformative effects at Microsoft between 2014 and 2018 highlight the value of change-minded leadership in corporations. Ibarra indicates that Nadella employed dynamic strategies, including streamlining the company’s mission and employees’ treatment (1). Thus, this research analyzes the problems Nadella encountered at Microsoft, the leadership styles he displayed to trigger change, and his effectiveness in driving desirable change in the organization. Diagnosis of the Microsoft Problem The case study reveals that Nadella found a company with a retrogressive culture, prioritizing office politics over collaboration and innovation. His engineering experience enabled him to recognize that such a hostile competitive environment was destructive for the corporation due to the desire for each individual to excel at the expense of their colleagues. Such aspects confirm the urgent need to expose the ills in Microsoft and formulate appropriate goals that promote collective growth. Major Challenges Nadella unearthed numerous issues affecting the human system and innovation in the company. For instance, Ibarra reports that Microsoft tolerated a conflict-favoring culture that encouraged internal fights between workmates as they competed to topple each other as the best-rated employees twice a year (1). Changing such a culture and streamlining the management and human system emerged as the leading problem. He noted that the dominant stack ranking system of determining the performance of the workforce depended on company politics rather than productivity, which indicates that colleagues concentrated on pleasing their seniors while making the work settings unfavorable for their competitors. Thus, each prioritized aspects that would elevate their chances of a higher rating with minimal concern about the company’s growth. Such an aspect diminished innovativeness and collaborative aspects critical for forging a productive workforce. Area of Dysfunction A review of Lencioni’s five areas of dysfunction demonstrates that four of these components apply to Microsoft’s situation. For instance, the fear of collaboration or focusing on quality work by employees to contribute to their recognition illustrates the lack of trust in colleagues and leadership (Aggarwal, 2). Ibarra confirms the presence of this concept through the argument that Microsoft developers withheld their ideas to protect their ranking (1). Experts demonstrated their loss of hope, leading to their failure to commit to the company’s development by preferring to work with competing firms such as Google. Such an aspect highlights the lack of commitment facet. The third area depicted by Microsoft comprises the failure to remain accountable. Ibarra indicates that the forced distribution approach by leadership promoted unfair ratings, which contrasts with accountability (1). Such an aspect also encouraged inattentiveness as individuals become self-centered to benefit themselves. Thus, these dysfunctions translated to Microsoft’s suffering in various economic metrics. Goals for Transformation Nadella’s first letter to the employees outlined his transformative goals. They included the desire to embrace a new perspective whil...
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