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Kinesiology: The Personal Wellness Checklist

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1. Using the Wellness Assessment Worksheet (see below) from the beginning of the semester, complete each assessment activity again to make a comparison. Create another score page from each of the 7 components with their respective scores.

2. Type a paper including the strengths and challenges for EACH of the 7 components representing the end of the semester’s scores (The body of the paper should have at least 7 paragraphs with the 7 heading topics posted). As with any paper, you MUST include an introduction and a conclusion.

3. Record and compare your ratings (chart, list, graph etc).

4. Attach the 'score page’ from both Assessment Activities to your paper.

Assess your current 7 dimensions of wellness by filling out the questions below, marking the choice that best reflects your current behavior. Use the numerical value to each of your answers and record them on your Personal Wellness Checklist score page: Never 0 points; Sometimes 2 points; Often 5 points; Always 10 points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Kinesiology Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name April 28, 2019 Introduction Achieving real wellness is perhaps one of the most challenging things to do for every individual. This is because contrary to common perception, wellness encompasses a lot of aspects of our lives and is not simply limited to physical, emotional, and psychological health. Nonetheless, several characterizations have already been made aiming to ‘measure’ an individual’s level of awareness and accomplishment when it comes to this important matter. One of these measures, entitled as Personal Wellness Checklist (PWC), considers several aspects such as (1) Social wellness, (2) physical wellness, (3) emotional wellness, (4) career wellness, (5) intellectual wellness, (6) environmental wellness, and (7) spiritual wellness. Accordingly, the PWC utilizes a quantitative measure by attaching numerical values for the results of the survey in order to make an assessment. In this paper, the results of the author’s PWC would be discussed in greater detail. All in all, the author believes that having a more comprehensive understanding of wellness could help in the betterment of the quality of life for every individual living in this planet. The Personal Wellness Checklist Social Wellness Social wellness is simply defined as “the process of creating and maintaining healthy relationships” CITATION Phind \l 1033 (Phillips, n.d.). Understanding this aspect of our own lives is important, for the fact that every individual needs social interaction in order to survive. In the author’s PRC he was able to get at a 32 points out of 50 points (2 always, 2 often, 1 sometimes, and O never), which is still indicative of a healthy social relationship with another. Particularly, his main strengths include treating other person with respect as well as maintaining a strong social support system, by having a close circle of individuals to whom he can confide with and expect support. Physical Wellness The concept of having good health is perhaps one of the most recognizable aspect of wellness. Simply said, physical wellness is the “process of having a flexible, aerobically fit body” CITATION Phind \l 1033 (Phillips, n.d.). In line with this, the author’s PWC scores (37 points), shows the high-level of physical fitness that the individual has and the amount of importance that he gives to maintaining good health. Specifically, one of the main things that contributes to this score is his utilization of techniques and methods that allows him to develop a healthier body including exercise and diet. Emotional Wellness Emotional wellness is another important aspect that needs to be understood in the pursuit of overall wellness. Accordingly, emotional wellness is defined as “the process of creating and maintaining a positive realistic self-concept and enthusiasm about life” CITATION Phind \l 1033 (Phillips, n.d.). It is not only an essential part in the quality of life, but also allows the individual to have a better mindset of both his mindset and how it is affected by external circumstances. Accordingly, the high emotional wellness (37 points) that the author was able to get, was mainly due to his recognition of the values of other people other than him, as well as his ability to invoke his own feelings. Career wellness While the previous sections show some of the indispensable aspects of the human’s life, what is less understood is the importance of career. As defined, career wellness is the “process of making and maintaining choices that are meaning and contributes to your personal growth as well as work” CITATION Phind \l 1033 (Phillips, n.d.). It is this aspect of a person’s life that pushes him to push through. In line with the author’s scores, it seems that he exercises a healthy dose of such (30 points) by focusing on developing and updating his marketable skills as well as balancing the different aspects of his life, rather than simply focusing on the achievement of his career in expense of another. Intellectual Wellness Intellectual wellness is another important consideration to make in the assessment. As defined, intellectual wellness is the “process of using your mind to create a greater understanding of yourself and the universe” CITATION Phind \l 1033 (Phillips, n.d.). This presupposes the human mind’s inherent need to have an answer to the questions of his existence, both through inquiry and by helping others. In the author’s PWC he was also able to get a high score (37 points) for his ‘curiosity’ as well as his ‘openness’ to a variety of ideas. Environmental Wellness While most of the aspects outlined in the previous sections, are internal, environmental wellness talks about both internal and external traits of an individual. As defined, environmental wellness is the “process of making choices to create sustainable human and ecological communities, improving qualities in air, water, land and space”. This definition already provides the very nature of this aspect, which means the individual’s consideration of his own actions and its repercussions to the environment. However, one of the pitfalls of the individual for getting a lower score (24 points) is because of his lack of ‘recognition’ of these pertinent social problems. Spiritual ...
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