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SC160 Basic Biology Applications in Biology Today

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Discuss the applications of each of following in biology today and include three examples of each with a brief description.

a. DNA in forensic science

b. Population evolution and microbial life

c. Biological diversity evolution

d. Plant and animal evolution

e. Population growth

f. Biomes and ecosystems

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SC160 Basic Biology: Applications in Biology Today
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SC160 Basic Biology: Applications in Biology Today
* DNA in forensic science
DNA samples from scenes of crime can be matched with DNA obtained from the suspect and serve as a valuable source of evidence in the justice system. For decades, typing or characterization of semen, blood, and other body fluids has been employed for forensic purposes (Virkler & Lednev, 2009). This technique began with the use of blood groups using the ABO system and later extended to red-cell enzymes and serum proteins in forensic applications such as paternity testing. Over the last few decades, the availability of DNA typing techniques has shown improvement in linking samples from crime scenes to suspects. Progress in DNA technology experienced during the 1970s allowed the detection of specific variations or polymorphism in DNA sequences and shifted the field of forensic investigations from the use of protein products to the use of DNA (Virkler & Lednev, 2009). By conducting a sufficient analysis of DNA regions, it is possible to show person-to-person variability and reduce chance matches of two individuals to low levels. Any drop of blood left at a crime scene by a suspect is valuable evidence for forensic scientists. The genetic information from the blood can be compared against available DNA databases to check whether the DNA sequence in the sample matches with any known suspect. However, for the sake of defending an individual’s rights, DNA fingerprinting is restricted to some sections of the human genome (introns) that do not participate in protein synthesis (Warren, 2018). However, in some countries, forensic investigators do use certain protein-coding sequences (exons) to help in predicting eye or skin color.
* Population evolution and microbial life
Population evolution and microbial life have major applications in biology today. With the increasing microbial life being discovered today, microbes have significant implications in society. Some microbes have been found to increase immunity to some illnesses such as cancer and reduce the rate of human aging. Many clinical trials have used microbes to increase the response rates of T-cells to the presence of cancer cells. Microbes also contribute to ocean population, and they affect the oceans both negatively and positively. Microbes have been used to clean up oil spills since they can break down the hydrocarbons in oil through metabolism. Population evolution, especially among microbes, results in resistance to commonly used drugs. Examples of microbes that have shown significant evolution and gained an advantage against drugs include methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas (MRSA), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and H1N1 virus (Hidron et al. 2010). The patterns of mutations in these pathogens are used in developing drugs that can counter their resistance to drugs. While no effective drugs have been found to attack HIV, studies in population evolution and microbial life have enhanced efforts in finding effective cures.
* Biological diversity evolution
Another important application of biology is in the field of evolution and biological diversity. Several studies have been carried out to determine the way evolution and biological diversity can change how lands are utilized for agricultural purposes (Souza, Teixeira & Ostermann, 2015). As humans cultivate the land, the movement of water through the lands continues to change, and organisms that live in soils are now beginning to adapt to the changes for survival. Biological diversity evolution can also help in understanding the plant and animal species that are endangered so that they can be protected from extinction. Endangered animal species can be kept in zoos and plant species in conservation areas.
* Plant and animal evolution
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