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Biol1500 Argument On Ecotourism Conserving The Ecosystem

Essay Instructions:

BIOL1500 – Argument Essay: Pro TEXTBOOK REFERENCE:  Author: Primack & Sher, Title: An Introduction to Conservation Biology, Edition: 1st, Publisher: Sinaur Associates, ISBN: 9781605354736Present the PRO argument for the following topic: Ecotourism.
Any article references must have been written within the past 2 years and must use a reputable source. It does not have to be a peer reviewed article, but it is recommended. Wikipedia is NOT a reputable source. 
The paper should have the following sections:
Introduction: This section should provide the background information for the topic. Explain what it is and how it relates to a topic covered in the textbook Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 (Attached). Please also clearly state that this paper is presenting the PRO argument. This is the thesis statement and should set the tone for the rest of the essay. 
Significance: Explain why the topic is important or why people should care about the issue. Why is it even an issue? Who does it affect? What are the long-term repercussions? How does it connect to the larger population or ecosystem? 
Argument: Clearly present the evidence to support your argument. Do NOT include your opinion. Each paragraph should clearly state one point to support your pro/con argument and must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the introduction. This should be at least 1 page. 
Conclusion: Synthesize the information presented in the body of the essay. You may insert your personal opinion here. You may also want to include a short discussion of more research that should be completed or a solution to the problem that ties back into your introduction. 

Write this in your best writing style with quality paragraph structure including topic sentences. It must be 3 pages long, 12 pt. double-spaced, and Times New Roman font. APA.
References and in-text citations: Cite the papers properly in the text and in a works cited list at the end. Remember, you must give credit to the original author. Any direct quotes must be in quotation marks. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In the recent past, there has been a shift in focus from traditional tourism to ecotourism. This shift has been facilitated by a need to create sustainability in the environment by not only enhancing the experience of tourists but also encouraging local communities to preserve the environment through economic incentives. As such, ecotourism can be defined as recreational travel to natural areas that not only conserve the ecosystem but also improve the quality of life of the local people and offers additional knowledge to tourists (Lee & Jan, 2017). Ecotourism improves the quality of life of the local people through social and economic benefits. Given the definition above, it is evident that the concept of ecotourism relates to ecological economics as covered in chapter 3 of the class textbook. This is because they are both concerned with the issue of ecosystem conservation and economic well-being so that there can be global sustainability. In addition, ecotourism is closely related to ecosystem management. According to Primack and Sher (2019), ecosystem management is about conserving the environment while at the same time empowering society by meeting their needs. Thus, ecosystem management shares a similar goal with ecotourism. Ecotourism serves as a means of enhancing the economic well-being of local people, conserving the ecosystem, and as a source of environmental and cultural knowledge.
Ecotourism is of fundamental importance to society because there are so many issues in the ecosystem currently and there is a need to enhance sustainability. According to Wilkinson (2019), ecotourism presents some opportunities for environmental sustainability, especially for protected areas. As such, it is important to explore the ways in which ecotourism and ecosystem conservation and sustainability link. Consequently, it will be clear on how and why ecotourism has received a lot of attention, especially at a time when the planet is facing so many issues. Ecotourism does not only affect tourists and local communities but also the society at large. Ko, Pai, and Mao (2018) posit that through ecotourism, people become aware of environmental issues and are more likely to embrace the concept of ecosystem preservation. Through ecotourism, it is possible to create a balance between nature and human activities.
Ecotourism is a source of economic empowerment for the local communities. As revealed by Mendoza-Ramos and Prideaux (2017), a lot of income is generated from ecotourism, either through employment or through other income generating activities related to tourism. Through ecotourism, local people are able to provide services to tourists by acting as tour guides, or travel agencies that offer services ranging from accommodation to transportation. As a result, the local community is able to thrive economically. In fact, Mendoza-Ramos and Prideaux (2017) note that local communities are able to flourish in other aspects of their lives such as education because they can afford to pay. In addition, economic empowerment is accompanied by other benefits. For instance, Mendoz...
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