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Microbial Journal Article Review Biological & Biomedical Essay

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, students will review a microbial journal article.

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system and write a comprehensive summary of the study that answers the following questions:

Choose one article from a primary scientific literature source that uses a microbe as a model organism/system.

NOTE: Many free articles may be obtained from http://www(dot)pubmed(dot)gov

Write a summary of the study that includes:

Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., description of background)?

What was the hypothesis (or hypotheses) under investigation?

What were the major results and did they support or negate the hypothesis? Which key techniques were used to achieve these results?

Why are the results significant and do they point to further/future studies? In other words, why does this article matter and what should or could be done next?

Why did you choose this particular article to review? Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?

Compose your review in APA format and include:

A title page

Answers to the questions above in paragraph format

A reference page with the reference for your article and any other sources used in your review.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Microbial Journal Article Review
Author’s Name
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Microbial Journal Article Review
In the article ‘Recent insights into Shigella: a major contributor to the global diarrheal disease burden’ the authors have reviewed recent research studies done on the microorganism Shigella. The enteric pathogen Shigella can cause minor to severe diarrhea and can occur death in the population. Researchers review different serogroups of this microbe; few serogroups are less severe but Shigella flexneri can classically prevent with antimicrobials, but some strains are resistant. In developing countries, diarrheal infection is known as a significant public health issue and is frequently related to incurable consequences particularly in children with shigellosis. In this comprehension, the writers discuss the evaluation of Shigella, its pathogenesis and their outcome in developing countries.
Description of Background
Authors aimed to thoroughly discuss diarrhea because it is a major health problem and increase mortality and morbidity rate. Shigella is an intracellular gram-negative bacterial microbe of Enterobacteriaceae family, and recent classify the genus into four species based on serological typing: S. dysenteriae, S. boydii, S. flexneri and S. sonnei (Baker & Chung, 2018). Shigellosis is the leading cause of illness and deaths, specifically, it affects children less than 5 years old (Ranganathan et al., 2019). In a recent study, the background we discuss here is to focus on prevalence, pathogenesis, antimicrobial resistance and part in the gut during disease (Baker & Chung, 2018). The purpose of the review is that diarrhea associated with shigella is a major concern in the population especially children under 5 years and to reduce the prevalence.
Diarrhea is a major infection globally and among all pathogens, Shigella is the leading cause of it. The clinical symptoms of Shigellosis can include watery diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain (Tickell et al., 2017). These symptoms of infection caused by an attack by pathogen and damaging the epithelium of large intestine to promote the severity (Baker & Chung, 2018). It records annually for estimation of 1.3 million mortality rate, of which 500,000 are young children globally and current 950 million diarrhea records happening in children (<5 years) (Baker & Chung, 2018). These evaluations have recognized antimicrobial resistance that is the result of the progression of the severity of infections.
Scientists approach the study to decrease the death outcomes in children less than 5 years. The endemicity and increase risk of Shigellosis in developing countries, where convenience to the hygienic environment i.e. germ-free food, clean water, healthcare and continual cleanliness is limited (Baker & Chung, 2018). Still the absence of an approved vaccine and treatment opportunities for Shigellosis because of highly antibiotics resistant (Baker & Chung, 2018). The aim of the WHO and UNICEF for diarrhea is to decrease the mortality rate by making new and better vaccines against diarrheal diseases by 2025 (Hosangadi et al., 2019). However, by understanding the pathogenesis of Shigella, it is essential to have consistent estimations and epidemiology of the disease in affected places.
Hypothesis and Key Points
The hypothesis under this investigation is that Shigella is the major contributor to recurrent widespread diarrhea. Their species are highly resistant to antibiotics. It affects human hosts and interactions between immune cells and infecting organisms to increase the severity of infections, so the Novel therapies should be needed to improved treatment against the pathogenesis for the prevention of Shigellosis (Baker & Chung, 2018). The main aim of this study is to evaluate new technologies and treatments as well as improve hygiene practices against Shigellosis.
Results of the Study
The findings of the study are correlated with the hypothesis. It causes about 125 million diarrheal cases each year and 160 000 deaths annually associated with young children (<5 years) (Baker & Chung, 2018). This study also discovered that Shigella is the most predominant cause in developing countries, suffering from illness. Thus, it is an important key to worldwide diarrhea with increased severity of the infection and highly antimicrobial resistance (Baker & Chung, 2018). However, immunizations of diarrhea caused by Rotavirus have developed but there is no licensed vaccine for Shigella. Novel treatments need to be established for the cure of the disease. Researchers evaluate new findings and technologies to decrease the worldwide load of Shigella infections (Baker & Chung, 2018). Hence, the hypothesis has been proofed in the sight of results obtained
Techniques of Result Analysis
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