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Visual & Performing Arts
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Visual to Verbal Art

Essay Instructions:

According to the following conditions (also in the later documents), describe the picture in the photo (Van Gogh's picture), and the following file will send you the picture. A specific document will be sent to you later. The file contains a sample.

In hopes to gain an understanding of art criticism, read the recent Hyperallergic Review, Caravaggio’sMarkofMadness,https://hyperallergic(dot)com/470361/caravaggios-mark-of-madness/ Thiswill also be uploaded separately to Blackboard. Be prepared for a brief group discussion about this article.

Visit an art gallery, museum or exhibition space and take advantage of the surrounding art venues in Washington DC; or perhaps you are traveling during break and will have access to a

unique art venue. This could also be the Katzen Museum. View local resources here:


In 800-1000 words, identify and articulate the overarching visual strategies used in the work.

You must select a select a painting or drawing. Make your selection with interest and purpose.

Refer to the Critique Methods writing structure to help guide your writing. You will need to do additional background research about each work to fulfill the description requirements of this assignment. How are the artworks creating content through visual language? In your conclusion, you will also need to describe how you employed some of these approaches during the semester. The writing component will be worth 70pts.

What I’m looking for:

a) Meaningful Description: of artworks that includes historical/cultural relevance

b) Formal Analysis: Command of visual analysis and art vocabulary

c) Content Inquisition: Thoughtful interpretation and speculation of intent beyond formalities

and process

d) Thoughtful Conclusion: establishes connections to learned strategies in your own work this


e) Authenticity/Style of Writing: 12pt font, MLA format with works cited/deliberate structure

800-1000 words and key points of discussion.

WordsCharactersReading time
Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Visual to Verbal Paper
This art is a technical drawing with intent to pass some form of message and interpretations by both the person creating it and the viewer. The work intends to stretch the aesthetic and artistic potential of its viewers to influence their values and attitudes. It embodies the physical, cultural and spiritual aspects of life. It effectively communicates to give intent of meaning which is construed in a way that is different from other language systems. It provides an insight of an inner world, from the expression of the artist's face, a human experience, of a need for exploration. From the art, the viewer can hear his or her critical dialogue and understand the picture's own words, and what it is communicating, what it sees in the museum, its feelings and what it thinks. It evokes a sense of exploration, in its eyes, the distant look, of beyond the horizon.
It elicits a feeling of clashing thoughts, a need to dialogue and put things into perspective. The other dimension of this artwork is its somber mood. It looks like dark clouds are hanging above its head, the feeling of being helpless and waiting for the end to come. This has the viewer try to clarify within themselves the real expression and message being passed, the concepts being communicated and the real background behind the picture, stimulating further exploration.
On the drawing texture, an artistic impression of rough, unrefined look gives it a theme of despair and being unrefined, more of a not so caring attitude. At a glance, the artwork does not communicate much. It just gives a perception of just another painting staring blankly in the horizon. However, at a closer look, there is an expression of inner struggle and outer struggle: the contradiction of outer innocence and inner guilt, all pulling towards opposite directions. This artistic impression depicts a day to day struggle we all go through in trying to find the good in us, but the bad does outweigh it most of the time. The viewer can find him or herself after a closer introspection. He or she can give meaning to it depending on the side there's a stronger pull of emotion. Earlier, the theme of sadness had come up, and from my perspective, it is the force that pulls the strongest.<...
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