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Artist analysis. Francisco Jose De Goya y Lucientes

Essay Instructions:

Analysis 4 artists for 4 pages. Don not need to compare different artists. Each artist should take 1 page to write.

The name of artists are 1.Francisco Goya 2.Alphonse Mucha 3.Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 4.J C Leyendecke

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Artists Analysis
Artists Analysis
Francisco Goya
Francisco Jose De Goya y Lucientes was born in Aragon Spain in the village called Fuendetodos on 30/03/1746 as a son to Gracia De Lucientes y Salvador and osé Benito de Goya y Franque, and later died after having a long successful career, in France, Bordeaux on 16/04/1828 at the age of 82 years old. He said to be an intermediate artist between the moderns and the old masters as he did most of his art (paintings, drawing etc.) work between the 18th and 19th centuries. His paintings were mostly romantic due to the feelings, expressions, characteristics, and emotions brought out by his artwork, and this was one of the best romantic artists. He started his painting at the age of 14, and some of his works include:
Charles IV and Family of Spain: Francisco Goya did this portrait painting of the royal family of Spain when he was the court painter, and it shows a change in the artist way of paintings by now depicting scary or maybe grotesquely sitters. He was part of the portrait; the royal family was dressed in expensive garments to show their luxurious life. Francisco added the portrait of Charles IV in the background to criticize and expose their corrupt nature and their immorality as per the Biblical story.
Black Duchess: This portrait shows Duchess wearing a traditional major, a black dress and she points on the ground with one hand and the other behind the waist. Duchess tries to connect with the low class despite their elevated class. The painting is said to be emotionally attached to Francisco due to the rumors of their relationship. He also keeps the portrait for 15 years before giving it to Dutches, the word "solo" which was exposed near Dutches shows that he loved her and was her only love.
Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters: This painting mainly showed Francisco beliefs and was created for the court influential persons. The painting was mainly drawn using ink and pen and shows a sleeping person surrounded by flying creatures which have symbolic meaning to Francisco and his fears. The owl is maybe showing the witchcraft beliefs he had among others.
Alphonse Mucha
Alfons Maria Mucha was one the successful Czech painter who worked within a variety of fields including media, furniture industry jewelry field, decorative industry, made his designs, worked as an illustrator and also as a graphic artist. He was mainly based in Paris, France but also travelled to Chicago in the US where he was taught in the Art Institute. He finally decided to return to his native home after reaching the age of 43 and did mostly painting. Most of his work was on women and later nationality. Some of his work include:
Job Cigarette Papers: Byzantine Mosaics was the main inspiration of this poster as from the border of the poster which is zigzag. The poster was an advertisement for a cigarette company, and it contained a woman holding the lighted cigarette with her eyes closed. The zigzag border of the poster blended perfectly with long curly hairlines. Mucha uses the woman who is depicted as lost to advertise the product which is a great skill.
The Seasons: This painting of 1896 contained four parts each which a different woman is wearing a different age of cloth and style. The painting shows four different cycles of nature of human. The summer is represented by the first part of the painting with red colors. Meanwhile, the spring is represented by the lady dressed in white and a stream flowing; the winter is depicted with the left part of the painting with snow traces, flying birds and heavy wearing of the woman. The Autumn is represented by some fruits. This art ...
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