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The Utopian vision created by the writer of Walden-Two

Essay Instructions:
It is based on the novel Walden Two by Skinner and will develop a utopia or utopic vision as created by the student. Formatting will be at the discretion of the student. No references are required. Topic I will leave up to the writer's decision
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The Utopian vision created by the writer of Walden-Two
The field of art has experienced tremendous growth and advancement in the way artists present their views to their respective audiences. Art has grown to become a part and parcel of life in that many artists usually have their unique ways of presenting ideas. To some drawings and paintings suffice the need to express their impressions on a certain subject matter. Others have embraced the use of music which comes in form of video or audio. The other type of artwork expression and probably the oldest is through writings.
Whatever the mode of artwork employed by the artist, the society has embraced the use of virtually all the various art methods. Writing is regarded as the oldest form of artwork known which began dates back to the civilization of human beings. Though it started with mere signs, it has evolved to become the widest mode of communication in the modern day world. There are various forms of writings in the modern day world. They include the use of novels, books, articles, drawings and so on. The novels can be further divided in to various categories of fiction, Romance, literature and science. This paper will discuss the utopian vision created by the novel “Walden two” by Skinner.
The Novel
The novel is a science-fiction work by Skinner that presents a utopian vision to the reader. The word utopia has various definitions. With regard to the context at hand it will describe the ideal society. It can also be used to mean a society that did not exist because it could not exist at all. Whatever the definition, the utopian concept always presents a scenario of a non existence society or an ideal society. The problem of this type of meaning is that the there is nowhere in the practical world that ideal conditions exist and as such, both the meanings of a nonexistent and ideal society converge to mean a picture that is drawn by the artist in the mind of the reader.
The Novel Walden Two is divided into various parts. The writer of the novel presents a futuristic community which is exclusively out of hopes, wishful thinking, and intuition as presented by the author (Bobby, 1993). The novel can be divided into three main parts; the community, the members of the community, and the governance of the community. Though most of the time the utopian thinking comes out of the wishes and hopes of the people and more so the artists, in some isolated cases such communities emerge in the future.
The community
This novel talks of a community that is planned by human beings. The community described by Walden two is one that operates under ideal conditions. The community presented is one that is self sufficient in terms of setting the regulations that govern the conduct and behavior of the members as well as monitoring the progress of the members of the community. Though the novel was first published in the year 1948, the author was able to depict a typical modern day community where the technology of applied behavior study can be carried out (Rita, 2005).
This community can e termed as the community of philosophers and which is composed of about one thousand members. The community is planned and the ideal behaviors of the members are presented to be ideal in such a way that the community’s picture is drawn in the mind of the reader. This utopian thinking creates a futuristic ideal community that a society would need.
The Members of the Community
While the community is thought to be the ideal of any societal setting, the members of that particular community usually possess that obligation of shaping the thought of behavior of the community. The novel presents a community where members are self motivated, productive happy and creative. The members also have at their disposal access to various social amenities that act as complements to the already conducive living environment. The social interaction among the community members brings happiness among the members and the family life adds to the sweetness o...
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