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The Science of Self-Control: Howard Rachlin

Essay Instructions:
It is based on The Science of Self-Control by Howard Rachlin and will take the form of a program designed to develop control of a behaviour of the student. No other person's behaviour should be included. The programs will be designed but not implemented. Formatting will follow the 6th edition of APA's style guide.
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The Science of Self Control:
Personal Application Assignment
(Student`s Name)
(Course Code/Number)
(Name of Professor)
(Date of Submission)
The Science of Self Control:
Personal Application Assignment
The dynamics of the world has undergone drastic changes from its earlier days to its current state in today`s modern society. Indeed, from its spiritual shamanism, to its more scientific and industrial approaches in today`s global community, it is obvious that the world has indeed changed. Even man has changed with its environment, with the contemporary society now having a better grasp on the way the mind works. This understanding in the inner machinations of the mind comes in the form of psychology. Indeed, man has come to understand that through psychology, behavior can be modified and improved.
However, it is ironic that despite this greater understanding of how the mind works, one thing that has not changed in today`s society is the greater majority`s problems with self control. Accidents, addictions, and social problems are constantly increasing, the poor are more and more being marginalized, and people continue to amass resources because of their lack of control. Indeed, this lack of self control can be most seen in the rapid rise in cases of substance abuse and illicit crimes. Self-control can include and influence a wide range of actions and decisions, from preventing one`s self from drinking, to even the simplest things such as adhering to the unwritten laws and rules of the society.
This topic of Self-Control was explored comprehensively by Rachlin (2004) in his book entitled "The Science of Self-Control". The said author explored the different sides of and steps in mastering self control. Although the book`s focus was mainly on alcohol and addiction, the principles laid out in the book can be applied to most other aspects of life. A more detailed description of the said book will be provided in the next part of this paper.
In relation, this paper will then explore the concept of Self-Control, based on the discussions of Rachlin (2004) in his book. This exploration of the concept of Self control will be conducted by this author through the development of a program to control the behavior of a student. The said student will be fictional and will be introduced further in succeeding chapters of this paper. Stull, before the program will be presented, a discussion of the aforementioned book will be conducted, followed by the discussion of some reflective observations regarding the book by Rachlin (2004), the concepts presented by the book, and self-control itself. Afterwards, the program for the student will be discussed, and finally, the outcomes measurement for the program will be presented.
Overview of Book
As mentioned earlier, Rachlin`s (2004) book involved the science behind effective, successful, and lasting self control especially in terms of alcohol and other addictions. This book is both and empirical and theoretical introduction to understanding the concept of self-control. The book involves seven main chapters, wherein chapter one deals with habit and willpower, the second one deals with simple ambivalence, the third with complex ambivalence, the fourth with "the lonely addict", the fifth with soft commitment, the sixth with rules and probability, and the last chapter with self control and social cooperation. What is advantageous with the use of this book is that involves vast resources for applying the different concepts discussed in the reader`s everyday life. It also serves as an avenue for the presentation of novel principles on behavior and behavior modification especially involving self-control. Rachlin also presents the budding ideas of teleological behaviorism, wherein the capability of human behavior to be modified is greatly acknowledged, but such modifications are grounded on the person`s free will choice, not just on changes in the environment and environmental stimuli.
The next section of the paper will the present a discussion on this writer`s reflections on eth concepts presented by the book. Since it is a reflection, the next section (and only it) will utilize the first person point of view.
Reflective Observation
The ideas presented by Rachlin (2004) in his book are somehow r...
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