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Behavior Modification Plan for Excessive Video and Online Gaming

Essay Instructions:
It is based on The Science of Self-Control by Howard Rachlin and will take the form of a program designed to develop control of a behaviour of the student. No other person's behaviour should be included. The programs will be designed but not implemented. Formatting will follow the 6th edition of APA's style guide.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Behavior Modification Plan for Excessive Video and Online Gaming
Based on The Science of Self Control
* Identifying the "Addictive" Behavior
In 2011 online and video gaming started to appeal to me much more than any other things available to kill time of boredom. I started by playing for two to four hours at least once a week and nothing seemed to be problematic about it. Anyway it was "just" to kill time of boredom. Nonetheless after a year of being exposed and being involved with online and video gaming a lot of things seemed to changed face now. I was not able to personally notice the changes that occurred within just one year until my family and friends told me about it.
The two hours spent on gaming turned into a6 to 8-hour of hobby and its occurrence once a week became as regular as daily. The frequency of playing video and online games stopped me from doing other activities even as important as attending school classes.
According to Margaret Shotton (as cited in King, Delfabbro&Grffith, 2011), who did one of the very first studies on excessive use of computers, people who can be considered "dependent" on computers admitted of valuing the time spent on their computer above any other activities including interpersonal relationships. In my current situation I totally qualify to what Shotton mentioned as "dependent."
Aside from the huge chunk of my daily schedule spent gaming, there are other behavioral and psychological manifestations confirming my excessive video and online gaming. Once I started playing I lose tract of time. In relation to this I suddenly developed poor eating habits. It has become normal for me to eat just when I feel extremely hungry. Indeed I always prioritize gaming above any other important matters and responsibilities and most of the time I find myself playing whenever there is an available opportunity for instance as soon as I wake up in the morning.
More alarming overt behavior like aggression was also developed. I tend to be easily mad and aggressive towards people who are blatantly telling me to stop playing. I extremely feel upset and depressed whenever my chances of playing were disturbed by power and internet service interruptions. These indicators according to a clinical psychologist working on studies about online and video gaming addiction, Dr. Brent Conrad, are indeed symptoms of an "addiction" to the said media(Zafar, 2010).
* Baseline Data
Denial that I am indeed excessively playing video and online games was the very first hindrance thatI had to take down to be able to control this disruptive behavior. Refusing to acknowledge that my hobby of playing is ruining several other aspects of my life blinded me from the reality that I needed to strengthen my self-control and set up a barrier against addiction.
My excessive behavior towards playing video and online games is a "Primrose Path" (Rachlin, 1997).This concept pioneered by Herrnstein and Prelec perfectly describes the kind of addiction I unconsciously developed over time.
To be able to fully describe the situation I am into right now, I have to start being aware of my attitude and behavior towards playing video and online games, hence I will start recording my normal activities on a daily basis for one week.Table 1, shown below, will be used to keep tract of the time I am spending on gaming. Moreover this monitoring tool requires specifying activities done before and after playing online and video games.
Daily Monitoring Sheet for Video and Online Gaming


Activity Before Playing

Start Time

End Time

In-between Breaks

Activity After Playing

Table 1. A daily monitoring tool that will help in base lining the behavior to be modified that is excessive online and video gaming.
Rachlin (1935) mentioned in his book The Science of Self-Control that family and friends are important to help people realize their behavior. Having said this I am including a participation of one of my family members to help me in monitoring my daily activities related to video and online gaming. A copy of the daily monitoring sheet shown on Table 1 will also be utilized by the family member who will help me record my activities.
* Setting Objectives
My excessive playing of...
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