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Nativity of Christ

Essay Instructions:
Please see attachment for instruction and image. SHORT PAPER ASSIGNMENT FAH 271S: Art of the Medieval North Winter 2013 length: 2 pages maximum, typed and double-spaced. due: February 6; submit electronic copy to turnitin.com by 11:59 pm Turn-it-in Class ID: 5933513 Class enrolment password: vikings PLEASE SUBMIT IN .doc OR .docx --- NO PDFs Illustratations of the life of Christ just before the year 1000 The point of this assignment is to look closely at an illustration of a biblical story and to consider how manuscript painters in the Early Christian period conveyed, followed, and departed from textual sources. The assignment focuses on an Anglo-Saxon manuscript called the Benedictional of Aethelwold (see Stokstad for basic information about it and the context in which it was produced). Images from the Benedictional appear on the FADIS course page in a carousel labeled “Benedictional Project.” Here are the basic steps that you should follow. These steps should help you develop your ideas and write a good thesis-driven paper. The organization of your paper should not replicate this structure. First, choose one of the pages from the manuscript (the ones on the FADIS carousel) and familiarize yourself with the passages from the New Testament that tell its story. Remember that the scenes may appear in more than one gospel book. Second, locate the appropriate passages in the Douay-Rheims bible, the standard English translation of the medieval Latin Vulgate. It is available online at: http://www(dot)drbo(dot)org/ Third, familiarize yourself with your passages. Read them several times until you are certain that you understand the basic story and know about the characters involved. Do the different gospels emphasize the same details? Keep track of where certain details appear and where they are absent. You will likely need to read more than your specific passages in order to understand what was happening before the story illustrated on your page; read as widely as necessary. You may consult other versions to get a solid grasp of the passage in question, but when it comes to analyzing and writing about the image, stick with D-R. Fourth, analyze your page with the following questions in mind: How is the unfolding action of the story conveyed? Who is emphasized? What actions and emotions are emphasized? Can you determine or imagine why? How is the setting conveyed, and its relationship to the cast of characters? How are characters differentiated from each other in the illustration? Is there one gospel text that seems particularly influential for your image? If so, which ones? In what aspects of the illustration do the painters appear to have departed from the text? In your opinion, is there much “space” for artistic creativity? In other words, what does the artist add to a textual experience of the story? Fifth, write a paper elaborating upon your responses to the questions listed above and any other pertinent issues/questions you wish to consider. The paper should be a thesis-driven paper, meaning that you should be using the observations you develop above to make an argument about the page. Be specific in your responses. Quote biblical passages according to standard form in the text (e.g., Gen. 8:9-12) and identify details in the illustrations precisely. NO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH IS NECESSARY, REQUIRED, OR ACCEPTABLE. Papers that are based on additional research will be returned unmarked. Sixth, read, re-read, re-write, edit, proofread carefully; when you think that you are finished, edit and proofread again. Your paper will be read by at least two people, and the accuracy and style of your writing will have a bearing on your mark. Required components of this and other FAH university papers 1. Title: Create your own title for your paper. A separate title page, which also includes your name, student number, course, and date is nice, but not required; if you choose to omit the title page, then all the title page information must appear on the top of the first page of your paper. 2. Format: Papers must be typed and double-spaced. Include page numbers after the first page (on page 2, 3, +). 3. Margins: Use the conventional margins of 1 inch: at the top of the page, bottom, right and left. 4. Font: Use an 11- or 12-point font. 5. Illustration: Please include a jpeg of the image. It can be copied from FADIS right into the document. 6. Submit to turnitin.com as a .doc or .docx document to facilitate marking and corrections. Title: Benedictional of Saint Aethelword, Nativity Date: c. 971 to 984 Current Site: British Library MS. Add.49598, fol. 15v, London, Greater London, England Original Site Winchester, England Culture Winchester, Hampshire, England Period Medieval, Anglo-Saxon Source Deshman, Robert. The Benedictional of Ethelwold, plate 12. Date 1995 Notes: Nativity of Christ Matthew 1:17-25; 2:1-2 Luke 2: 1-20
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nativity of Christ
The life of Christ was a unique life that was demonstrated in those days of King Herod. In order to convey and pass the message of Christ even after He ascended to be with God the Father, artists have done so through illustrations and writings about Christ and His life here on earth. Considering the attached illustration, we can get enough information about Christ. In this paper I will discuss how this message is conveyed through illustration and via the Anglo-Saxon manuscript.
Considering a manuscript written about the nativity of Christ in conjunction of the illustration demonstrated in the drawing in the attached picture it is clear that the life of Christ started at a low profile. This is paraphrased in the bible where it is written that, “While they were there the time came for the baby to be born…………she wrapped him and placed him in a manger.” (Luke 2:6-7). The parents of Christ had gone back to Jerusalem for census purposes but upon arrival there was no space for them to sleep and when the time came for Christ to be born he was indeed wrapped and laid in the manger.
In this miniature, we see Jesus in a manger with his father and mother next resting with a visitor or an attendant of the place where they had found space for Christ to be born there. This illustration is surrounded by flower like artistic expression. The artist illustrates the celebration expected as a result of Christ’ birth as the savior of mankind which is further supported by the shepherd who came to celebrate his birth and g...
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