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Child and Youth Care Practice

Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will have an opportunity to reflect upon a chosen practice dilemma that you might encounter in professional CYC practice, from a relational perspective. In preparing to start your assignment, read the following practice scenarios You are employed as a Child and Youth Care Worker with a rural non-profit agency that delivers a psycho-educational program for children who have witnessed abuse at home. You co-facilitate a ten-week group experience for children and youth aged 12-14 covering topics such as feelings, families, choices, anger, abuse, and boundaries. Your co-facilitator is named Chris. The group you are currently co-facilitating has 6 participants. There are 4 females and two males in the group, and they are all aged 14. Each of the young people in your group has witnessed different types of abuse at home, including physical violence, emotional and verbal abuse. As the group has progressed each of the young people has shared vivid accounts of their experiences, and it is clear that they have developed strong therapeutic relationships with each other, your co-facilitator and yourself. The ten-week program has come to an end. The end of group is celebrated with a graduation ceremony. Each group participant receives a certificate and a small memento of their group experience. As the final group draws to a close, one of the group participants, Pat runs up to you in tears and hugs you. She expresses how much she has gotten out of the group, how much she will miss you, and how much she values the relationship between you both. She holds on to you for several moments. Two years pass by and you are a Child and Youth Care Worker at a different agency in the same location. You log onto your Facebook account one morning and you notice that you have received a message from Pat asking you to become her friend. Opening her message reveals her entire profile page. You notice her status feed that reads: I hate my parents ¨C why won¡¯t they stop fighting ¡­ In discussing your response to your chosen scenario, here are some questions you should address: What is the nature of the dilemma that is captured in the practice scenario? How do professional competencies, codes of ethics, and problem-solving models help you to respond to this dilemma? How is your impression of the practice scenario affected by adopting a relational perspective? Do you recognize any of the relational dialectics or challenges you read about in the course readings about relationships in practice (e.g., see Gharabaghi, 2008)? Which ones? How would you propose to respond to the scenario in a way that reflects professional standards and the relational perspective? Organize and write up your reflections on these questions in a paper of 1250-1500 words (5-6 typed, double-spaced pages, plus references). In your final paper, you are expected to cite at least four course readings and/or discussions, and at least two additional relevant articles, chapters, or credible websites.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child and Youth Care Practice
Many parents have conflicts out of differences in their marriage, but physical fights in front of children can be traumatizing and have long lasting negative effect. Additionally, unsolved conflicts are visible to the children impairs he children emotional development. Emotional expressions an essential part of strong families, there are also less chances of emotional abuse as parents adequately take care of the emotional needs of the children. In essence, fighting between parents creates a dysfunctional family in which the children feel unwanted and unloved as manifested by the thoughts of the child. A child and youth care perspective is different from that of other family perspectives because there are certain assumptions. These assumptions state that family life occurs on a daily basis through the interaction of patterns. Secondly, child and youth practice takes place where families live which implies that the families are the main determinant of happiness and satisfaction for the members (Garfat, 2003).
Parental violence is normally associated with emotional and behavioral malfunctioning in children; the behaviors may be internalized as well as anti social behavior (Davies et al., 2008). The child has had previous experience with abuse since the past two years and the situation may have gotten worse there are differences between children who have experienced violence since there childhood. Abuse of mothers in childhood may manifest itself in the form of depression among teenage girls; this may also lead to a vicious cycle where the girls also engage in the violence or enter into abusive relationships. Her thoughts show that there is loss of meaning in life as children and teenagers are unable to make sense of life. Consequently, there moral development and life expectations are low in comparison to children from stable families.
Research suggests that domestic violence affects both girls and boys differently, whereby girls tend to show internalizing behavior while boys have a tendency to show more externalizing behavior (Evans et al., 2008). Nonetheless, some studies suggest that there is behavioral change as children grow up , during adolescence girls are more likely to show anger as exhibited by the thoughts of the girl and boys are more inclined to feelings sadness (Cummings, Ballard, & El-Sheikh, 1991; Spaccarelli et al., 1994) as quoted by Evans et al., 2008. Additionally, interpersonal relations are more strained as well as emotional and behavior problems of the children. In extreme case the studies seem to find no significant impact of domestic violence exposure on children. However, gender, age and manner of sampling have rarely coincided; it is thus prudent for researchers to focus more on Meta analysis study.
Parental conflict and violence also affects the children parent relationship negatively, children reach out to other people they feel unloved by their parents, the expression of these feeling is apparent in the girl’s words. Additionally, parents are non protective in families where conflict is present to the extent that that when conflict arises none of the parties is willing to concede. Thus, adolescents tend to disregard rules even when they know that the parents do not approve of their actions. The level of violence perpetuated by parents to adolescents also determines the children parent relationship, there is evidence that more violence leads to misunderstandings among the parties involved where conflict resolution is unlikely to occur (Lepisto¨ et al., 2011).
The scenario presents a dilemma because Pat seems to have developed resentment towards her parents, in spite of initial improvement and signs of emotional stability. Provision of counseling sessions is necessary, but there is also a need to distinguish who is the main perpetrator of violence. Even though, both parents may quarrel often identifying the victim and perpetrator is vital to solve the conflict and bring harmony. The scenario also presents challenges on whether to involve both the parents or call for the separation of the child from the hostile environment, there is a dual relationship between Pat and I having interacted previously. This dilemma is problematic as professionals in the child and youth care advocate for only professional contacts with children without involving personal relationships where boundaries are clearly set.
The code of ethics helps to set boundaries on the client practitioner relationship, having left the camp o...
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