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Disability Policies in Canada

Essay Instructions:
Students will critique a journal article or substantive lecture(video or in attendance) of their choosing, The material chosen should be closely linked to personal, the political, the societal and public policy context of disability in the Canadian context. Use references from text book Prince, M. (2009). Absent Citizens: Disability Politics and Policy in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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Disability Policies in Canada
In many countries, the issue of disability remains unaddressed while making policies and in public awareness. The individuals with disabilities lack both practical and theoretical rights in the society. Most outstandingly, they lack political participation, civic membership, employment and social rights. Prince M, in his book, ‘Absent Citizens: Politics and Policy in Canada,’ elaborates on the constant deficiencies that the people with disabilities in Canada face and puts emphasis on the results of these exclusions (Prince, 2009). The book combines the elements of public administration, urban studies, feminist studies, sociology and political science. This book tests the inclusion and exclusion mechanism, the processes of making policies in disabilities context and public attitude towards disability. Find herein a description of the personal, political, societal and public policy of disability in Canada, as a review on the book.
Prince realized that the study of disability is dragging behind in Canada than countries like America and Australia. The Canadian individuals with disabilities together with their families encounter share of work, responsibilities and costs disproportionally (Prince, 2009). All these relates to addressing daily needs of those bearing the disabilities. It happens as a series that they become subjects to hardships and they lack full participation in educational, social and economic life. These people are the most vulnerable in the society since they experience rejection from every place and at every point of their lives. The most Canadian social policies still considers as a certain impairment, disorders and diseases. They have categorical programs instead of services of continuum, bearing sharp distinctions and sudden changes when an individual encounters a life transition.
Disability in Canada is still a powerful foreteller of welfare dependence and individuals with poverty. The other individuals and members of the family remain with the responsibility to cater for their needs. This is such a big burden considering the fact the government would be in a position to do that without much hustle. The people with disabilities in Canada now bear a lower range of percentage in income assistance program. This is due to attitudinal barriers, insufficient opportunities in employment, inadequate support among others. Moreover, the rules and restrictions indicated on the program are very complex that only a few of the Canadians with disabilities meet the requirements.
There must be a main social policy goal for the young Canadians who are partially sighted, deaf-blind and completely blind. The policy ought to be reachable school based-supports and the transitions of school-to-work and then to employment and placements. This will ensure the preservation of the children’s rights. Otherwise, these children would be subjects to trauma and rejection for the reasons of lacking what they need most for their wellbeing. Every child likes to socialize and whenever they are unable or not in a position to interact with their age mates, research has it that they might become slow learners. As it is important for children to have their rights, so it is for the adults with disabilities. This is because they we need to treat them as normal human beings regardless of their condition. They need to feel inspired and motivated to be active and that happens when they receive responsibilities that are more convenient. That way, their self-esteem boosts and they get a position in the society. Important social policies are mandatory for the present generation, the older blind, partially sighted and deaf-blind.
The people with disabilities feels excluded from the society if there are not measures or policies to cater for their socialization. In Canada, the persons who are blind, partially sighted and deaf-blind participate in Canadian social programs. This participation has given them confidence in the years that they have participated. It has also given them the enthusiasm to live positively since they feel as part of the society. Through this participation these people get to realize that they are useful people and hence their status of citizenship as well as quality of life. The details of the reform may differ by federal and provincial jurisdiction. It is of great importance to consider the use of policy records multiplicity in federalism political system. There is a sequence of case study, which answers...
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