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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Selfie Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay on selfies with specific requirements

Why you are being asked to do this:

Visual analysis is the basis of much of visual culture and communication studies, but we consume so many imagesevery day that it can be difficult to slow down and see things with fresh eyes. This assignment asks you to imaginatively embody those fresh eyes in order to analyze something as ubiquitous as a selfie, anew.

At the end of this assignment, you should be able to:

This paper displays happiness as the protagonist is using bright colors, positive space, rough textures, and emphasison his emotions to show how there is a unity between himself and the ocean behind him.Bright Color is used throughout as the sunlight provides shininess to the rock, the ocean and helps the audiences tosee his face without any disturbance. The sense of happiness is through his face is bright with a great smile.

1. Line:

2. Shape

a. 2D

3. Space

a. Positive

4. Colour

a. 什么颜色是主色调

b. Value

c. Intensity

5. Texture

6. Emphasisa.

7. Proportion

8. Unity

• Describe the content and formal elements of an image using generalist and specialist language 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Selfie Analysis
Due Date
Selfie Analysis
Selfies can be currently considered as the modern form of self-portrait that is used to communicate the identity of the subject and what they represent to the world. The protagonist in the picture expresses his contentment with life through his pose and the look on his face. From the view of the picture, the protagonist appears satisfied with their life, with the gesture made by his fingers communicating a sign of peace to the audience of the selfie.
In the selfie, the lines created by the protagonist mainly guide the eyes of the selfie. To this end, the raised hands draw the attention of the viewer to his face as well as create the space required to show the protagonist’s bag alongside him. The shape of the selfies can be mainly considered to be 2D in shape. The use of positive and negative space contributes to the overall balance, composition, and meaning of the selfie (Hess, 2015). The positive space in the selfie draws attention to the features and expression of the protagonist in the selfie. On the other hand, the negative space enhances the composition and balance of the selfie by providing contrast within the selfie. The use of colors in the picture plays a major role in communicating the subject of the selfie. To this end, the background color complements the protagonist’s skin color to create a sense of harmony and balance within the picture. The placement of the protagonist close to the camera yields a sense of texture and detail in the sense that one can easily see the texture of some of the elements in the selfie. The protagonist in the picture positions the bag in such a way that it draws the attention of the viewer (Bruno et al., 2018). While the large attention is on the protagonist, the contrasting color of the bags emphasizes it in the selfie. Size and scale ...
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