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Pianists' Approach on English Suite Number 3 in G minor and Piano sonata No. 3, Op. 36

Essay Instructions:

This is the link for the second critique:
The concert is a bit long but you only need to listen to the pieces I marked on the program below. The blue numbers indicate the specific minute and second on the video where you will find them. It should be about one hour long.
Don't forget to describe how the 3 different composers represent very distinct musical styles. Talk about the different moods and all the elements that differentiate them (dynamics, articulation, register, tempo, etc.)
There are two recital critiques to submit via Canvas during the semester (deadlines are in the syllabus). Each should be 750­–1000 words long. (This assignment description, for example has 867 words)
Critiques should be based on Youtube recital performances selected by your instructor, or live piano recital performances attended during the semester.
Compare the styles of the different pieces on the program. How do pieces written earlier in time sound different from pieces written later in time? You should talk about dynamics, tempo, and the ways in which the piano is used. Is the piano used to make song-like melodies, or is it being used for rhythmic effect? Are lots of notes used at the same time, or just a few? Are both rhythm and melody happening at the same time? Be sure to talk about all the pieces on the program.
From your own knowledge of piano playing so far, describe the physical approach that the performer had to the piano. Describe the performer’s posture, movement, and overall use of their body.
What parts of the recital did you really like? Why? Be sure to talk about aspects of the music here—talk about the pieces in terms of melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and so on. You can also talk about the performer’s interpretation.
What parts of the recital did you enjoy less? Why? Again, be sure to give details about the music and the performer.
One of the main jobs of a pianist is to make sure that the audience can hear the melody (when there is one)—even when there are lots of other things happening in the music. How did this pianist succeed in the pieces on this program?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Piano Performance Critiquing
Institution Affiliation
The International Music Festival is a fete organized in Warsaw, Poland since the year 2005 (Marshall, 2009). This is usually done in remembrance of the legendary Polish pianist, Freyderyk Chopin (1810-1849). The concert is organized by the Freyderyk Chopin Institute and usually boasts an attendance of the world’s music moguls. This is usually done in context with the late Polish pianist Chopin. Devised by the Polish artistic director Stanislaw Leszczyńiski, the event seeks to showcase European music, with historical performances being amplified. The major things revelers do sample are a presentation of the music, the difference in the pieces presented, and the approach of the performer to the piano and the thumbs ups and downs of the performances.
Among the pianists whose works were performed in this concert were Johann Sebastian Bach (English Suite Number 3 in G minor, BWV 808 2:23) and Karol Szymanowski (Piano sonata No. 3, Op. 36 24:10). All the performances were presented in their different styles to capture the attention of the audience. One thing that comes up is how to differentiate the different styles used. There seems to be a difference between the earlier pieces written for the later ones regarding dynamics, how the piano is used and the tempo.
The tempo in the starting songs appears to be a bit slower. The pieces, prélude, allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, and Gigue exhibit the slower tempos, giving a general effect of soul-soothing music. The onset of Karol Szymanowski’s Piano Sonata, however, raises the tempo. The music seems to continue as other pieces follow. This moves the listeners, carrying their spirits from what was soul soothing to a then party music whereby dance enthusiasts can do some jigs to the beat. The main use of the piano is to try to bring out, or rather the change the mood of the audience. This is evident from the reactions of the pianist as his spirit is lifted.
The piano has been used in very different ways in the performances. The question that arises is whether the piano is bringing an effect of melody or rhythm. Before moving forward, it is of importance to know the difference between melody and rhythm. Melody is the effect resulting from playing different notes at different pitches while rhythm is the effect brought about by combining different notes at durations. From the performances, the piano has been used t...
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