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Sor Juana's Loa to Divine Narcissus and Kerr's African Popular Theatre

Essay Instructions:

you will submit a roughly 100 word response to that day's reading. What's on your mind? What did you find interesting? You can also ask questions or make an argument. The journal entry should show evidence that you read, including a page number from one of the readings.

Journal 17

(1)Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, The Loa for the Auto Sacramental of The Divine Narcissus (ca. 1690)

(2)Norton Intro, pg. 34 ("New World Encounters")

(3) pg. 44-45 ("The Legacy of Golden Age Drama")

This three resource are in the file that I uploaded, and please write one paragraph with 100 words

Yoruba and Egungun

Journal 18

(1)Kerr, African Popular Theatre, pgs. 1-15

Write the second paragraph for another 100 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal 17 & 18
Journal 17
Sor Juana’s allegorical play “Loa to Divine Narcissus” covers the experiences of the inhabitants of Aztec during the Spanish colonial period. It is interesting that the Spanish people failed to inform the native population of their objectives while in the area (1689). In addition, the article has one major weakness in that it blindly believes that evangelization would automatically succeed in Mexico and America. The above fact is evidenced by the constant reminder given to both the countries to accept religion and to also embrace the worship of one god. In Norton’s New World Encounters, the author rightfully acknowledges that the Spanish colonists had three main motivations, as was the case for all their colonies. These include the search for resources, prestige and competing for new territories (pg. 34). The article precisely describes the drama that invol...
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