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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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A Dance of Symbiosis Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Watch the dance "Symbiosis" by Pilobolus at TED.com (http://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/lang/eng/pilobolus_perform_symbiosis.html).

Describe how you saw the symbiotic relationship between the two organisms (dancers). I recommend referring to all the dance discussion when writing your paper. Please be detailed in your description and provide your views on the interaction between the organisms. You should watch the video several times.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Dance of “Symbiosis”
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A Dance of “Symbiosis”
The setting of this dance was on a medium-sized stage where performers were a male and a female. Although they were dressed to symbolize the symbiosis, their performance was a perfect symbol of intimacy which could be seen through their movements. As the performance proceeds, the movements of separating each other and then pulling each other close symbolizes the movement of symbiosis. This movement mentions the fact that these two organisms are linked with each other through an invisible force. Throughout the performance, I observed that the male had the dominance where he was picking up the female, making the main dance moves, and tossing her around.
As I view it, this dance symbolizes the need of a human to be dependent on someone. Such a dance reminded me of the story of Adam and Eve which leave the impre...
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