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The Play Orlando By Sarah Ruhl From Different Perspectives

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Response paper analyzing the play Orlando by Sarah Ruhl
Response paper analyzing the play Orlando by Sarah Ruhl
The novel is about an eponymous hero born as a male nobleman in England during the reign of Elizabeth. Orlando had a dream of being a poet. He meets the aging Queen Elizabeth I, who falls in love with him and bestowed all the riches upon him. The beautiful, charismatic nobleman enjoyed a lifetime of adventures during his vibrant, youthful ages. He dallies with different beautiful ladies, losing his heart to one mysterious Russian Princess. He tours the Shakespeare's London and endures the chill of the Great Frost. Orlando undergoes a mysterious transformation of gender at the age of 30. She sails back to England discovering the penalties and privileges of being a female. In the process of submitting herself to the spirit of the age, Orland takes a husband who is happened to be a sea captain. In her mid-30s, she appreciates her gender and chats with the ghost of Queen Elizabeth I and finally, finishes her poem "The Oak Tree." The essay herein is a response paper analyzing the play Orlando by Sarah Ruhl.
This play has something that always strikes me as wonderfully experimental and unapologetic in watching a well-executed student performance. The play has got an inherent optimism and vivaciousness to this cast's work that I think can only happen from an ensemble work of budding artists testing the limits of their craft. Biologically, how can the once gender transform all over sudden from...
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