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Review of Bad Sistas: Black Women Rappers and Sexual Politics in Rap Music

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Review of Bad Sistas: Black Women Rappers and Sexual Politics in Rap Music

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Review of Bad Sistas: Black Women Rappers and Sexual Politics in Rap Music
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Review of Bad Sistas: Black Women Rappers and Sexual Politics in Rap Music
In the article, “Bad Sistas: Black women rappers and sexual politics in Rap music”, Tricia Rose dialogically analyzes women texts, suggesting an intricate framework for depicting black women rappers’ sexual accounts that explain their links to numerous treatises in the article (Rose, 1994). Deviating from the approach of other critics, Rose does not place the texts from black women rappers in direct contrast with those of their male counterparts. She instead insists on them being examined within other discourses that include feminist concept, rap, sexual depiction of black women in historic treatises and black feminist concept. Rose’s framework is founded on George Lipsitz’s notion of the dialogue of popular music (Kanaaneh & Nusair, 2010).
According to Rose, since a framework does not allow for dualistic comparisons between emcees of the opposite genders, and affords space for black women support and critique of black male rappers, it is practical in the examination of black women’s raps. On occasions, women rappers tend to shy away from negative stereotypical images of black women’s identities while on public treatises, they reify them. According to Rose (1994), “some female rappers affirm aspects of sexual power relationships as they raise incisive questions that seriously challenge the current distribution of power between men and women (p.147).” Further, Rose claims that “works by black women rappers that place black women’s bodies in the spotlight have a similarly contradictory effect; they affirm black female beauty and yet often preserve the logic of female sexual objectification (p.147)”. Rose is...
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