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Visual & Performing Arts
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Art essay. Visual Art Visual & Performing Arts Essay

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Art Essay
Visual art is a form of painting that produces work that is largely pictorial in nature, such as ceramic, painting, and sculpture among others. It focuses on pieces of work that mainly use visual setting while trying to portray a meaning. Contemporary art is a type of visual art that distanced itself from ideas of independence and originality that featured modern art. This kind of art supported the ideas of modern and classical works; they combined the two into mixed-media and hybrid compositions. Photographic art involves three kinds of evaluations namely formal, contextual, and expressive. Formal evaluation is the visual component of art; it communicates the artistic period and the ideas the artist is responding to. The contextual part of graphic arts is the world that informs the work; this universe is beyond the artist. The artist’s identity and life are used to show how they deliver their viewpoint regarding who they are, which is the expressive element of the painting. Most artists incorporate and use art to mirror their thoughts on society’s morals, religion, values, and politics among others. Audrey Pongracz’s work is a good example of how painting used pure imagery to illustrate current affairs in the society while expressing one’s opinion. Visual art painters also used their life experiences in their photographic work like Audrey Pongracz did (Pontino). The painter was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1979, but was brought up in the Mexican town area of Southwest Detroit.
The self-trained painter held that art should be achievable to every person, psychologically and visually. Audrey carried out her work, striving to show her beliefs in it. She argued that art should be an experience of viewing; that she loved looking at a painting and be absorbed by it in admiration of it or of its application. Her work oil on canvas suggests the surreal universe of animals and women living in an inspirational place. In her work, her figures illustrate emotions, interesting engagements of incorruptibility and fear. There is also something crooked about her characters, for instance, their skin is usually perfect, their shape of the head takes on strange, unfamiliar qualities and human hair that can take any shape among others (Wright). The different ways in which she does her work sets out the elements of visual arts.
In her art wave after wave 2018 oil and bronze on linen, the piece is based on present human existence as material vessels and how they feel suppressed and stuck in the earthly challenges (Arts). The painting shows a female figure lying down in a boat; the figure seems so peaceful beside the waves that are supposedly caused by a storm. This in a way r...
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