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Important Passages and Key Terms in the Play "The Rover"

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Passage One
The passage is about a play written in 1677 in what was referred to as the Restoration Age. The play’s title is The Rover, among the best comedy plays by Aphra Behn. The two characters speaking are Willmore and Hellena. The above passage mainly talks about deceit and disguise. It is through he disguise that Hellena gets to talk to Willmore. The imagery used is how witty the language is. By stealing the pocket, Hellena actually means Willmore’s heart, during the 1677s, it was not common for a girl to declair her love for a man. To quench their love desires, Hellena and her friends have to disguise themselves so as to uphold the culture. The use of comedy was widely used during the restoration age, and the passage has shown it with the character’s wittiness.
Passage Two
This passage is about the play Tartuffe by Moliere, born with the name Jean-Baptiste Poquelin in 1664. The play is about an imposter who works to seduce the wife of his host. The two characters in play are Elmire and Tartuffe. From the statements given, the two seem to have fallen in for each other. The language used brings in the aspect of fear from Elmire’s side, while Tartuffe appears to be very arrogant and cares the less. Tartuffe goes against the culture to seduce the wife of his host.
Passage 3
The piece has been extracted from The Love Suicides of Sonezaki which was written by a Japanese novelist and dramatist Chikamatsu in 1703. The piece presents a message of a double suicide in that at first when one reads the piece, they will think that the character is going to kill themselves. However, the last line says that it has been a dream and as such it ends the suspicions that have been going through the mind of the reader. Most of the works of Chikamatsu are presented in a childish manner and they are entertaining drama that present a message to the audience.
Passage 4
The poem has been written by John Keats. Most of the poems that are written by Keats focus on religion and in this poem, the author talks on the significance of religion and the reason why people should come together to thank God since it is a day of worship. The setting of the poem also appears to be in Mexico as we see in the first line it says, ‘Mexicans most noble’ giving the impression that the intended readers of the poem are Mexicans.
Passage Five
He given passage was extracted from the play The Rover by Aphra Behn. The characters A and B are Willmore and Hellena. The play was written the year 1677 during the Restoration Age. Hellena has still disguised herself though she brings out the feminism about. The tones of the two characters differ a lot as seen. Willmore uses a pleading tone but Hellena is direct. The cultural aspect in talk is the way women should be respected, and not treated like property; Hellena speaks for equality, while Willmore knows that what Hell proposes is unachievable. The imagery is brought out when Will compares Hell to appetite. This shows he loves her but h...
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