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Theater Performances

Essay Instructions:

What's on your mind? What did you find interesting? You can also ask questions or make an argument. The journal entry should show evidence that you read, including a page number from one of the readings. Journals without a quote/page number: minus one point.

(Write 2 paragraphs, one for each journal, 100 words each paragraph.)

Journal 15

(1)Aphra Behn, The Rover (1677)

(2)Norton Intro, pgs. 48-50 ("English Theater, 1660-1700")

Spanish Golden Age

Journal 16

(3)Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Life is a Dream (1646)


(4)Norton Intro, pgs. 44-45 ("Spanish Golden Age Drama")

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Journal 15& 16
Journal 15& 16
Performance at theatres has undergone various changes since the seventeenth century. The changes are evident in the evolution in the industry that took place at the time in Europe and was later spread to other parts of the world. Hence, the work focuses on the description of the change as presented in journals 15 & 16.
Journal 15
The journal describes the challenges that women experienced in engaging in drama performance and obtaining a position in politics. The articles states that women were not allowed owning properties as the society was fully dominated by men. Moreover, women who were allowed to perform at the theatres were associated with prostitution and they were disrespected in the society (Behn, 1998, p1378). Therefore, the women who decided to participate in the dramas wore masks and dressed like men so that they could not be easily recognized by the audience. Moreover, some played the part of children in the dramas. Also, the participation of women in drama activities started after theaters transformation that involved application of new technology in their development and roles changed to include women albeit they still hide their identities.
Journal 16

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