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MUS: The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is in three parts. Please be sure to complete each part. Post your responses as a single document (pdf or doc)

Each Assignment Part relates to the corresponding lettered Powerpoint.

Part A:

(complete this section of the assignment after reviewing Powerpoint A on Voice Types.)

Listen to these two versions of The Queen of the Night’s aria from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”

Write one paragraph about the following:

What are the main differences between these singers and their interpretation? Which singer sounds better than the other? What criteria do you use for this assessment? Which singer sounds more like an “opera singer” than the other? Why?

Part B:

(Complete this section of the assignment after reviewing Powerpoint B on Commedia dell’arte and watching the Ted Talk on Commedia dell’arte.)

Write one paragraph on the following:

What modern uses of commedia dell’arte stock characters and/or themes can you think of from your life (including TV shows, music, books, etc.)? How are they used? Include specifics about which stock characters are being used. Do you see any patterns about when and how they are used in modern culture?

Part C:

(Complete this section of the assignment after reviewing Powerpoint C on Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” and “The Marriage of Figaro” and Rossini’s “The Barber of Seville”.)

Write 1 paragraph of the differences in character of Rosina (the Countess) and the Count from Mozart’s “Marriage of Figaro” and Rossini’s “The Barber of Seville”. Include observations about voice type/fach and character.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
MUS Name Institution The two performance are very different where one shows character in music for Diana Damrau one can tell she is in for the art and passion as the song seems to come from deep inside on the other hand for Meryl Streep it is easy to recognize she is not only trying to perform but she is also acting in the mid of her performance. Meryl Streep music kicks did not come out as expected and one can tell she is trying to look for them. Forest Jenkins in the Mozart's Queen of the night aria she does everything wrong. Streep attempts to imitate Jenkins more often than she might have liked. She goes off in the weirdest place, she spends most of her voice energy on the beginning of a phrase, and in the end, she has absolutely none left in her and then trails off. There is also the fact that one can her Meryl Streep getting ready to sing and this is where all her voice energy is spent only to suffer in the end. For Diana Damrau she sounds far much better than Streep, Damrau produces Mezzo-saprano and while Streep was just a mere soprano. Damrau sounded more of an opera because of her evenness in her tone all through the performance, she sang over the forces of full orchestra and her flexible voice could handle fast-moving ornaments. Part B Commedia dell'Arte is the comedy of Art or profession comedy that originated in the fourteenth century in ancient Italian. Style involved putting actors into situations and giving the outcomes and the rest was the work of the actor to perfect until the outcome. As seen today there was no script. It involved disgraceful love interests, outsmarting simpleton or plotting to steal money. Widely used characters were Innamorati, Vecchi and Zanni. In the modern acting, Commedia dell'Arte...
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