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What was Modern about Modernism?

Essay Instructions:

Question:Using examples from product design, explain what was “modern” about Modernism?

• Review and analysis of the arguments in texts relating to the topic.

• Analysis of the visual languages of relevant product design examples and precedents.

• Conclusion from the review and analyses in answer to the question.

• List of images, with sources properly referenced.

• Bibliography, properly formatted

Essays must also include:

• Quotations from text-based research, properly referenced; any work which only uses internet sources will not pass. Sources from Wikipedia are not valid in academic work and should not be used.

• Design precedents (examples) properly analysed and illustrated

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The classical design majored on the use of ornaments to decorate items. However, this changed with time as the modern movement began and heavily influenced British designers around the 1920s to 1960s. Nevertheless, the movement began around the 19th century and it marked the transition from traditionally designed into new technique that focused on the structural integrity of a product to derive its aesthetic value (Childs, 2016). Further, successful cultures without aesthetic have been severally seen today which means the aesthetic value of a utility or an object can be maintained regardless of social or historical context which is in line with the belief about modernism. Specifically, modernism which is the transition from the classical era is the watershed of new objects and ways of life which are seen currently. Therefore, the work focuses on answering the question of what was ‘’modern’’ about modernism.
Analysis of Question
The question of what was ‘’modern’’ about modernism aims at enlightening people about the new changes that occurred as people become more modern in their daily activities. Actually, it marks the abandonment of the traditional forms of literature, arts, sciences, architecture, social organization, daily activities, philosophy, and religious faith. Actually, the change brought about innovations such as abstract art and painting, cubism, symbolism in poetry, atonality in music, and a new mode of thinking that indirectly and directly explored the new political, economic, and social aspects of the new fully industrialized world (Friedman, 2015). Therefore, the changes which emerged as a result of the transition from the classical era answer the question of what is new about modernism. Actually, modernism is marked by a period of modernization where people try to produce items which are more efficient and effective.
Moreover, it shows a deracinated experience of life where faith, collective identity, tradition, and community were eroding. Further, the mass slaughter of World War 1 that occurred in the 20th century was a turn point event that that propelled the distrust of reason among the modernists and further views on the improvement of moral human society and their beliefs in continues advancement. Actually, people started manufacturing more advanced equipment to be used in the war in case such an instance reoccurs (Friedman, 2015). Further, the period marked the need for better communication which led to the use of mobile phones and later the invention of the internet which is still used today and have been seen to be of great benefit in terms of creating social a network. Therefore, the abandonment of classical objects and activities and the adoption of new kind of life answers the question of what was ‘’modern’’ about modernism.
The change can be seen in literature and arts and architecture. The emergent of poems to engage a reader in interpreting the text was one of the new works of literatures. The literature aimed at improving people’s ways of thinking by analyzing a situation to reach a valid and better conclusion. Further, people had a desire to classical modes of expression and embrace new sensibilities of their period in the pieces of literatures (Rodrigues, 2015). Additionally, the new pieces of literatures provided changes in the way people view and interact with the world. Moreover, the new literature aimed at enabling people to communicate using writings about the social challenges and any other issue which needed attention. Specifically, the use of new literature such as the writing of novels enabled several human activists to push their agenda as fewer women were involved in decision-making systems which gave them no chance to raise their agendas. However, they were now able to achieve communicating their agenda through writings which clearly demonstrates the sufferings that they faced in society. Therefore, the use of literature to communicate and improve people’s understanding of various issues is an example of modernism.
The other example of modernism is the change in architecture and arts. The change used new untried approaches and creating new solutions with new forms. An example is the creating of a new dance technique which involves elements of human form in motion or the effects of theoretical context. The change in dance techniques brings a new era of modern dance. Similarly, the roots of visual arts began in the 1860s which broke away from inherited notions of subject matter, modeling, and perspective (Barnhisel, 2015). During the period of the art movement, artists focused on the internal quality of the media used including the color, line, and form enabli...
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