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Vincent Van Gogh

Essay Instructions:

Journal 1: Reaction to Art Market Exercise. Choose one work from the presentations and one that is not from the presentations. Discuss what you believe makes these works valuable (see questions below). This requires you to visit the library to find the second work. You will need to include a bibliography (MLA format) with at least one source that is a book or magazine article. An Internet source will not be valid for this assignment. The second work must be from the same time period as the first, and it can be by the same artist or from the same movement. The works must be from the same era (time) because you must be able to compare works that are reacting to the same historical context. In order to find the second work and much of your contextual information you must visit the library. After you have written a draft of your paper, you must also visit the Learning Center for a writing tutorial. For each work answer the following questions in paragraph form, NOT in bullet points: • Who are the artists and what is the art historical period to which their works belong? • Describe the works using formal analysis and relate them to each other in terms of art movements and formal issues. • Describe how we can understand the works using expressive analysis. • Describe how we can understand the works through contextual analysis. In other words, what specifically influenced the artist(s) during their time? • What makes each of these works valuable to you personally? • What makes each of these works valuable to society or the art market? • Considering the art market activity and your research, how has your opinion about art changed? Last, First | u ART 001 | Introduction to the Visual Arts Section 001 | Spring 2018 Journal 1 | Evaluation: Market Vs. Meaning EXAMPLE WORKS, PLEASE PASTE INTO WORD DOCUMENT AND CAPTION LIKE SO 1. Pablo Picasso. Brick Factory at Tortosa.1909. Oil on canvas. 50.7 x 60.2 cm. Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg. 2. Fernand Léger. Contrast of Forms. 1913-14. Oil on canvas. 80.7 x 65.2 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art. Answer the questions here in paragraph form. Titles of works must be italicized. Below your essay place a bibliography with at least one source from a book or magazine article in MLA format. Bibliography (Format for books) Last, First M. Book. City: Publisher, Year Published. Print. Rubin, William. Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism. New York: Museum of Modern Art. 1993. Print (Format for magazine articles) Last, First M. "Article Title." Magazine Title. Date Month Year Published. Website Title Web

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

The artist Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) is known to have produced great works that played a big part in influencing the art of the 20th century period. Beauty, color and emotion are the three main features that defined the works of the artist. His famous paintings, Irises and The Starry Night are good examples of the use of these features, and they follow the post-impressionism style that he was known for. These used symbolic images along with bold and expressive colors. As was common during this historical period, these two paintings show that the artistic works of the time were inspired by nature and landscape in particular.
1. Vincent Van Gogh. The Starry Night. 1889. Oil on Canvas. 73.7 cm * 92.1 cm. MoMA the Museum of Modern Art.
2. Vincent Van Gogh. Irises. 1890. Oil on Canvas. 2.4 cm*3.1cm. The J. Paul Getty Museum.
In terms of formal analysis, The Starry Night painting is an oil-on-canvas painting showing the sky at night filled with stars and a moon. The picture plane is dominated by these features that take up to almost three-quarters of its space. The patterns used are intensely swirling in a wave-like motion that makes the painting appear turbulent. To the far right, the crescent moon is represented in the form of a bright orb while the star Venus, is presented as another bright orb on the left side. Each of these images has concentric circles surrounding it, and the circles are made of very bright yellow and white lights. A seemingly silent village can be seen just below the expressive sky (Thomson, 23). There is a church with a sharp steeple that can be seen above the mountains in the background, which are painted in blue-black. In the foreground, one can see a cypress tree that rises to the sky.
The Irises painting, on the other hand, is made up of a garden plant with flowers. On the painting’s right side, most of the flowers are found while an unoccupied grass field is evident on the left bottom side. Just like in The Starry Night, the color strokes are vivid and very expressive in this painting and which are used to show the free-flowing irises. Through the rich brushwork, one can also feel the gentle breeze present in a simple background. The shapes of the flowers are carefully done giving a curved silhouette of endless variety. Visually, the flower painting is like the same motif that has been repeated severally and in a static form.
The two works by Van Gogh both have some expressive meanings associated with them. For instance, in Starry Night, the painting is said to be a depiction of the view of Saint-Remy-de...
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