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La Mujer Barbuda: Hamlet Post-Performance

Essay Instructions:

POST-PERFORMANCE Papers (14 points each):

After attending each performance, students must write am analytical paper using specific examples from the production to state if the performance was effective in its purpose. Papers must be on

topic to count for credit.


1. THESIS STATEMENT (2 points)

Create a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph of your paper answering the questions: What do you think the performance was trying to achieve? Do you feel the purpose of the performance was

demonstrated and communicated well?


Use a minimum of 2 specific examples from the production to support your thesis. At least one example

must be from the first half of the performance and at least one example must be from the second half.

3. DESIGN ASPECTS (2 points)

In addition to the performance of the actors, musicians, and dancers, evaluate the effectiveness of at least two design aspects. Choose from lighting, sound design, special effects, costuming, scenery, and/or

props. What was it about these aspects made them outstanding? How do they support your analysis of the purpose of the performance?


Using at least two examples from the pre-performance lecture and/or research, how does the work you

completed prior to the performance affect your experience of the production? How does the research

and/or lecture support your thesis?


Each work of art points outside itself to the world around us. How does this performance refer to the

world around you? This could be words in a play, images, or movement in a play or dance, or sounds in

music that remind you of other forms or pieces of music, dance, or narrative performance. And/or how

does the piece relate to your personal experiences? At least two specific examples from the performance need to be provided.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
La Mujer Barbuda Name: Institution: Course: Date: Jane Smith Paper #4, Hamlet Post-Performance FAR 1500 The play is well developed and the main theme relates to the roles that the women play in the society. Women in the piece are illustrated as trying to take on the roles of the men and failing at it. The theme is well demonstrated and accurately presented. This is to show that women should stick to their roles of nurturing the young and taking care of their husbands. This is a piece that can be said to be driving the theme of male chauvinism. Some of the aspects that stands out in the play about the design are the lighting and the sound. From the start to end, the lighting and the sound bring out all the themes in a vivid escalation of the tension and the reality envisioned. There is a mixer of color that is brought alive by the use of the various lights in the play. There is also the fact that, the lighting is used to highlight not just the themes but also get the audience in the mood for the procession ("Interview with 3rd Year MFA Cristina Luzárraga About Her Featured Seabury Production: La Mujer Barbuda", 2018). It is also important to note that the lighting brings to life the reality aspired by the author. What is more important is the fact that, even the use of the sound effects compliments the development of the story and the vivid nature of the theme. With the use of sound and the lighting, the author and the director bring to life the male and female roles and the way that they affect the life of the people across the globe. The costume design is also an aspect to consider given the different scenarios and the ideals that the director is trying to push to the audience. The costume much like in any other play, are a crucial part of sending the message and more importantly representing the culture of people that the director is trying to bring alive on the stage. Despite the fact that the stage was small, the lights, the sound and the costume design brought the culture to audience in a manner that they coul...
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