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The Correlation Of Mozart's Life And Mine

Essay Instructions:


Write a 2- to 3-page, 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced paper. It is supposed to be simple and concise, but relevant. In it you will outline discoveries and insights gained in this class in relation to Mozart's life and music and how it relates to your own life, thoughts, goals, etc. Please mention at least 1-2 specific pieces or passages of pieces by Mozart you have encountered and your reaction to them.


Please do not give me a biographical summary of Mozart's life or plot summaries of any of his operas; I already know all of this stuff. What I don't know are your specific insights and reflections as they pertain to very specific things in his music and life. I want you to draw conclusions that are unique to you. Do not engage in a copy-and-paste behavior from Wikipedia or other Internet sources either.


Send them to me by e-mail or give them to me in person. They are due on our final day, 16 May 2018 by 11:59pm at the latest. Late work will not be accepted.


33pts: structural cohesion, sensible organization and distribution of ideas

33pts: proper display of college-level grammar, word choice, variety of sentence structure/length

34pts: value and originality of insights, thoughtful reference to 1-2 specific pieces/passages

Total: 100 pts

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Correlation of Mozart's Life and Mine Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation The Correlation of Mozart's Life and Mine There are numerous aspects of Mozart’s life and music that have a close relationship to my own life, thoughts and goals. To start with, I have always appreciated a situation where people’s beliefs and religion are respected and where those in authority do not force people to adhere to a certain way of thinking. In this text, readers are able to learn that Mozart detested Salzburg intensely since its archbishop, Count Colloredo, offended many people while trying to develop the region, both religiously and economically. Colloredo was also intolerant and this made many people to detest the city. In fact, 25 years before Mozart was born, the then archbishop, Count Leopold, signed a rule that forced Non-Roman Catholics (commonly Protestants) to either renounce their religion or be forced out of the district, and it actually took place (Schroeder, 2013, 1). As an individual who respects other people’s beliefs and way of life, this is one of the instances where Mozart’s life correlates with my personal beliefs. Another important aspect of Mozart’s life that is related to mine is his appreciation of diversity and the quest for a situation where those in authority are able to separate the church from the state. In the current globalized world, I have been able to encounter people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and this is the main reason why schools are admitting international students while companies are putting emphasis on the significance of a diverse workforce. Mozart hated the inhabitants of Salzburg and used to call them “loathsome idiots” due to absence of ethnic diversity as well as the stuffiness of the district that was caused by an administration that could not separate the state from the church (Schroeder, 2013, 2). In his teenage years, Mozart had travelled widely, thanks to the ambitions of his father and this had exposed him to diverse individuals with different talents and this is what defined Mozart’s personality. Furthermore, Mozart’s had a unique personality of pursuing his talents and ambitions and not simply relying on the personality of his mentors, more so, his father. This is a unique attribute which I can relate to since I have always had this passion of pursuing my career goal without...
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